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What are your red flags/dealbreakers in a relationship


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I am beginning to date again and was wondering everyone's opinions on red flags? I am thinking of both myself and the other person and was just curious on everyone's take on this. In the past i basically let everything slide and it didnt end well so im trying to set my boundaries

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Poor hygiene

Overweight/not fit/constant unhealthy eating (since I maintain a fit lifestyle)

Distance (+25 ish miles)


Snobby/Judgmental (don't care if you're a vegan or if you have a PhD, that and $2.75 will get you on the NYC subway)

Drugs (alcohol not included)

Chronically unemployed/wants to be a stay-at-home mom (hell to the no, too much financial risk for me)

Not adventurous

Black or White personality (life has too many grey areas from where I'm standing)

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Smoking (cigarettes, don't mind if it's the occasional joint... certainly no worse than alcohol even if I don't smoke)

Noticeably over or under weight

Won't have sex before marriage

Needs to text between dates

Any initial mention of the ex

Dependent on parents in any way (living at home, car insurance or cell phone bill covered, I don't care. If you're an adult, pay your own way)

Not willing to split or cover a bill after the first couple dates

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I think poor hygiene and no criminal record is a given. Has anyone actually met someone from OLD who showed up unwashed with bad breath and tattered clothes saying they have to leave early to meet their parole officer or go steal a car?


For me dealbreakers in the early stages of dating:

Someone who has a history of cheating and/or a history of relationships filled with drama

Inability or reluctance to communicate honestly about themselves

Complainers, judgers

No sense of humor, can't laugh at themselves

Talks about himself the entire date and asks zero questions about me

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Rude to servers/salespeople

Arrogance, or a chip on his shoulder, something to prove

Talks himself up or mentions how much money he makes, what kind of car he drives, materialistic stuff like that

Only listens to popular radio

Doesn't read books/newspapers/internet/magazines/anything

Questions me about who is texting me, who was that guy, how do you know her, etc.

Talks a lot about his "evil" ex/es and how they did him wrong

Any sort of victim mentality, or evidence that he blames the world for his troubles and not himself

My newest dealbreaker: If his house is poorly kept and slovenly, and it's obvious that he never cleans up after himself

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I think poor hygiene and no criminal record is a given. Has anyone actually met someone from OLD who showed up unwashed with bad breath and tattered clothes saying they have to leave early to meet their parole officer or go steal a car?


How was it growing up in Detroit?

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Rude to servers/salespeople
I'm with you here!


I went on a date with a woman who spilled some of her salad (I know...probably should've written her off as soon as she ordered that). When the waiter came by to fill our drinks, she looked at him and pointed down at the piece of lettuce without saying a word. He paused for a moment and then picked it up without question. I immediately apologized to him for her and asked him to bring the check out. Paid him, tipped him well, and excused myself.


To this day, one of the rudest things I've ever witnessed.

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I'm with you here!


I went on a date with a woman who spilled some of her salad (I know...probably should've written her off as soon as she ordered that). When the waiter came by to fill our drinks, she looked at him and pointed down at the piece of lettuce without saying a word. He paused for a moment and then picked it up without question. I immediately apologized to him for her and asked him to bring the check out. Paid him, tipped him well, and excused myself.


To this day, one of the rudest things I've ever witnessed.


Wow, just wow. I don't even know how I would react if someone behaved that way in front of me!

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I'm with you here!


I went on a date with a woman who spilled some of her salad (I know...probably should've written her off as soon as she ordered that). When the waiter came by to fill our drinks, she looked at him and pointed down at the piece of lettuce without saying a word. He paused for a moment and then picked it up without question. I immediately apologized to him for her and asked him to bring the check out. Paid him, tipped him well, and excused myself.


To this day, one of the rudest things I've ever witnessed.


That's so bad, it's almost comedic. Something from a movie depicting the worst date ever

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I went on a date with a woman who spilled some of her salad (I know...probably should've written her off as soon as she ordered that). When the waiter came by to fill our drinks, she looked at him and pointed down at the piece of lettuce without saying a word. He paused for a moment and then picked it up without question. I immediately apologized to him for her and asked him to bring the check out. Paid him, tipped him well, and excused myself.


Wow - what did she do after you apologized to the waiter and asked for the check? Did she have any clue what a jerk she was?

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poor hygiene

mental issues (after my ex i will not be with someone with those again!)

huge debts

addictions to whatever (my ex was addicted to shopping on auction sites and could not put laptop down all weekend, literally all weekend, day and night, drove me absolutely crazy!)

abusive in any way

bad/uninterested sex


sadly those are all traits my ex had or developed and why the relationship ended.....

never again!


cheating is also one obviously!

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All this animal talk has reminded me. Another dealbreaker of mine is if a woman doesn't at least like (not necessarily LOVE) animals. I have an adorable kitty cat, and she's a package deal. I also want a dog and a dwarf pig someday. Even if I have to take care of my pets myself, not being able to at least tolerate them is a dealbreaker to me.

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Wow - what did she do after you apologized to the waiter and asked for the check? Did she have any clue what a jerk she was?
She looked up at me and said, "Really?? It was just a joke."


I told her it was a bad one and was out the door. I regret not leaving her with her half of the bill.

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I regret not leaving her with her half of the bill.


I left a girl with half the bill after one particularly bad first date. She was just a downright mean and judgmental person, and made some comments I just did not like. After the second drink, I put my half of the cash plus tip with the check, and then just told her "I have to go, have a nice night!"

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not a cat person i take it? hahaha.... me neither....


A buddy of mine after a night in a club where he encountered a woman was taken to her place and she had a cat. He wasnt allergic. But he was banging his lady. He peed in his shoes and took the train with urine stinking feet back home. Epic.


He doesnt like cats anymore.

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