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What are you looking for in a person?


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In order to find the person you want, you need to know what you are looking for. So, what are you looking for in a person?


I'll start off...


Physical looks don't matter to me that much although they have to be attractive to me. If i like somebody, i am more likely to find them physically attractive. So, what do i like in a person? I like somebody who is intelligent, knows their own mind, who is individual and a little bit ingenious, somebody who likes to work and devote their life to something. I like somebody with a well-developed sense of humour, preferably sophisticated..., i like somebody who's eyes sparkle when i speak to them and i like somebody who is affectionate, if not a little desperate (i love attention!). They have to be physically compatable to me. Ie. it has to feel right to be around them.


I want somebody who doesn't take me too seriously, who loves me dispite my faults and who instils a sense of adventure in me without being too pushy. I want somebody educated, but not stuffy.


How about you?


Oh, and a nice bank account would help, but i am willing to give that up if they are a nice person . Only kidding, but seriously, how about you?

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Is this supposed to be something new? That's what everybody wants. When is the last time you saw a personal ad that read:


SWF 32 seeks cynical pimple-face with multiple physical disabilities and no personality. Obesity and unemployment is a plus!


Um...I know you meant this as a joke, but there might be some people on this forum who have skin conditions, weight problems, or physical disabilities, and have serious personal issues with them...and this would certainly not help them to be made to feel they are the LAST thing anyone would want. It's not only the physically perfect people that find love, you know...if that were the case, there wouldn't be nearly as many couples in the world.


Sorry, I just thought about my cousin who never felt "worthy" to date anyone because of his severe acne scars...

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...yes, and my appologies to all the unemployed cynics lacking personality too.


Let's not get bogged down in being PC here. It was mgirl that started this whole unique thread by stating the obvious: she wants someone who is attractive, funny etc. and preferably has money.


My point was, that's what everybody wants, even your poor cousin. The fact that she, your cousin, didn't feel worthy is an entirely different issue.

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Is this supposed to be something new? That's what everybody wants. When is the last time you saw a personal ad that read:


SWF 32 seeks cynical pimple-face with multiple physical disabilities and no personality. Obesity and unemployment is a plus!


Um...I know you meant this as a joke, but there might be some people on this forum who have skin conditions, weight problems, or physical disabilities, and have serious personal issues with them...and this would certainly not help them to be made to feel they are the LAST thing anyone would want. It's not only the physically perfect people that find love, you know...if that were the case, there wouldn't be nearly as many couples in the world.


Sorry, I just thought about my cousin who never felt "worthy" to date anyone because of his severe acne scars...


I guess i find beingcheated's post offensive too. I will make it clear now that if i found all those qualities in a person who was disabled or had 'acne scars', i would still be equally attracted.

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...yes, and my appologies to all the unemployed cynics lacking personality too.


Let's not get bogged down in being PC here. It was mgirl that started this whole unique thread by stating the obvious: she wants someone who is attractive, funny etc. and preferably has money.




I did not say my post was 'unique'! I was merely starting a bit of fun here because everybody seems to be intent on finding the right person and i am interested in knowing what attracts people to others. In no way am i trying to be pc! I said i want somebody who is 'attractive' to me, not just 'attractive' (for example, there is not one movie star i find attractive). And as for the money, that was a joke. I have quite enough of my own!


Good luck finding that somebody special Beencheated.




PS. Thanks to everybody who replied, i really appreciate it!

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I have found my Mr. Perfect! He's:




Fiercely Honest

Fiercely Loyal





Amazingly easy-going


Great Communicator

Simply gorgeous inside and out


My list goes on.....


Everyone has a different idea of Mr. or Mrs. Perfect! You're a very fortunate individual if you find that "one"!

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Having been through two serious relationships I found that number 2 had teh qualities that number 1 did not. In looking for number 2 I overcompensated for the qualitites that number 1 did not have. Obvioudly things did not work out. I think it would be more useful to list the top 3-5 qualities that you want in order of importance. Mainly not having these is a deal breaker.


For me its:




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To all those people who have found the right one or somebody that makes them really happy... WOW! You are so lucky! But i think for the rest of us it gives us hope that there is something out there for us. I say to everybody, keep hanging in there.

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Honestly I have no idea whom/what I'm looking for, because I have never met another human being whom I was even the slightest bit emotionally compatible with.


It seems like my emotions follow a completely different timetable than most peoples' seem to. The words that people use to describe emotions - 'happy', 'sad', 'sorry', 'grateful', 'sympathetic' - I have no idea what emotions these words are supposed to represent.

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What you "want" and what you will "accept" are two different things.


Everyone wants someone who is the best. They may deny it but think about it. If you were offered two people who were nearly identical except one had some slight advantage over the other, which one would you pick?

You would pick the better one. Now, if you were presented with another person who again was nearly identical to the one you picked but ever so slightly better you would probably prefer to have the new person. Now just keep repeating this process and you will end up with the perfect person.


BUT, you may "accept" any of them, even the lowest, depending on your standards.



So, everyone may want what the original poster described but what will people accept??

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Yes, everyone wanst the best. But what is best for one person may not be the same as what is best for another. There is no perfect person, but there is someone who is perfect for you. You can't really say that people will go for someone who has a slight advantage over someone else because what one person thinks is an advantage another person may be indifferent towards or even consider a negative. People are to different to generalize like that. We shouldn't be classifying people as better, everyone is wonderful in their own way and deserves to be appreciated and respected on their own merits not compared to others.


As for what people want, there are a few things that I think everyone wants. Understanding, compassion, trustworthiness, love, support, intelligence, honesty, sincerity, tenderness, somewho who will be there for each other, etc. Depending upon personality and past experiences, people will want these things in varying degrees but I think that all people look for these kinds of things.

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Yes, you're right, but there is one thing I need to clear up here. We are not all equal. Some people are better than others. Like, for example, Mother Theresa is better than Adolf Hitler. Or a man who loves and cares for his wife is better than a man who is identical in every way except he beats his wife.

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The way I look at it, all people are equal. We all have the same potential to do great things in our lives. But not all people use that potential. Some waste away doing nothing in particular. Some use their potential for great good, others for great evil. Mother Theresa is better than Hitler because she choose to use her potential for good while Hitler choose evil. But they still had equal potential for great things. Imagine if Hitler had used his mind and charisma for good causes.

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There have been two women that I met/worked with who I would marry in a heartbeat. Both were gorgeous, fun to be with, easy going, sweet, sincere, kind honest and generous. And the funny thing is, the physical attraction came later after I found out who they were on the inside.


Basically, all I want is a woman who I am attracted to, who loves me unconditionally and who will be my best friend forever. She doesn't have to be a supermodel, that's like finding a million dollars in a Cracker Jack Box, I usually fall in love with the expressions in the eyes anyway. As long as I am attracted to her I don't care what anyone else thinks. I want to grow old with her. I want to like her too because it's easy to love someone and hate their guts at the same time. I would look for the same qualities like the two women I mentioned, but I have a feeling that I will meet 10 of these women and they will all either be taken or not like me. So why bother!

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