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No Concrete Plans - Initiate or Wait?


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So I’ve been seeing a great guy for the past two months. We see each other several times a week and text every day. We last went out Tuesday and as I left he said, “I’ll see you this weekend.” I said sure, but I was busy Saturday as my sister would be in town. It’s Friday and we have yet to hash anything out. I texted him this morning saying “TGIF!” and he replied, “I KNOW! I know it’s early in the morning and he's busy, but I’m not sure what to do. I'm not sure if its a lack of clear communication. I, maybe wrongly, assumed that since I was busy saturday, we'd see each other friday. So, do I initiate something or wait to hear from him? To be fair, he's done a majority of the chasing, but I always reciprocate. I have a feeling I’ll hear from him a little later today, but still, I can’t be 100% sure. Especially since we didn't agree on anything concrete.

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Well whatever you do, I would suggest not getting your heart set on a particular day - like Friday - when the plans haven't been made for that.


If you don't feel comfortable or don't want to suggest times to get together, which seems silly to me frankly at two months in, then when he says things like "see ya this weekend!", I'd not pay much mind to it, and go ahead and plan as though those days are still free. Cause they are.


And anxiety abolished.

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Well whatever you do, I would suggest not getting your heart set on a particular day - like Friday - when the plans haven't been made for that.


If you don't feel comfortable or don't want to suggest times to get together, which seems silly to me frankly at two months in, then when he says things like "see ya this weekend!", I'd not pay much mind to it, and go ahead and plan as though those days are still free. Cause they are.


And anxiety abolished.


So go ahead and suggest something today as if we never had plans? And I guess, I'm a little nervous of coming accross as pushy now that he was short in his response this morning.

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So go ahead and suggest something today as if we never had plans? And I guess, I'm a little nervous of coming accross as pushy now that he was short in his response this morning.


So then just say something like "was wondering if you'd like to get together tonight"?

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