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What did you do when you saw your EX for the first time in public??


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I've already posted about what happened with my ex, so I'm not trying to be redundant by any means. Long story short me and my ex of 2 years split 4 months ago. I tried to win back by flowers, 3 weeks of I miss you and I'm still in love with you. I got desperate unfortunately. It pretty much ended with me texting/calling her for a week with NO response, and her new bf answering the phone telling me to stop calling her. We live 18 minutes away from each other. Not that the odds are massive, but I don't live in a big city, and I could run into her at one point in the future and might be a little awkward because of my actions towards the end. Has anyone had a bad breakup and what happened the first time you ran into your ex? How did it go?


Thank you!

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Yeah I mean I don't want to not go out and do stuff though, ya know? Me trying to get over her is going out with friends and trying meet other people. Not going to dictate my life around her. Each week has gotten a lot better for me actually. If I saw her I might simply say Hi and walk off. I don't think I'd try and have some long conversation especially If her new BF is there.

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I'm already kind of mentally prepared for it. So I think I could handle It. Might not stay long at the place but I'd simply say HI. In fact If anything she would make it more awkward considering she never responded back to me, or even was willing to meet. Like I said I'd prob simply say Hi and walk off.

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Oh how I know your pain.


I live 10 mins from my ex and we had a heap of mutual friends. What I did was distant myself from her and all our mutual friends. I didn't go places I knew that she would go too. (which meant going to the next town to do shopping and so forth). I worked on myself and since then I have had a few of the mutual friends contact my family members asking what I'm up to and how I'm doing because of my above actions. But I did these for myself to get over her and because If I saw with the guy she left me for I may have just hit him and kept walking and got myself into a heap of trouble.


You can go either way with it, either say "Hi" with a smile or pretend you didn't see her and keep walking. I have chosen to do the later as she cheated on me.

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Good advice. I mean me going out with friends and meeting other girls has actually helped me get over it. So that's kind of what I've been doing, going to hot spots around town. There is major one in the city which a lot of people go to. This would be the most likely place I could run into her at. More than likely she would avoid going to this place with her new BF, so she doesn't have to see me haha. Like I said I got a little desperate towards the end, and she kind of chewed me up and spit me out. It's whatever, I'm actually getting over it faster than I thought. Obviously I DON'T want to see her. But If i did I think I could handle saying Hi with a smile and walking off. That's all I'd say unless she initiated more.

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>>If I saw her I might simply say Hi and walk off.


Or better, just walk away.


When I was in college and ran into an ex who had dumped me without a word (not even called me to let me know he was dumping me) because he had taken up with another girl (which i found out later thru other people), when i saw him heading my way I literally vaulted over a park bench to change direction and avoid running into him face to face. Best choice and glad I did it. I had nothing to say to him and it was over so why bother to interact?


I suggest you do the same. Quit focusing on her and get on with your life. She IS a stranger to you now, since the day you parted, so keep it that way.

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