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I've made post before about my situation on here. I still feel awful and writing it out really helps. The responses I've been really shinning light onto my situation. I know now that I need to respect myself and have personal boundaries. If I don't the next girl in my life will walk all over me and then run away from my codependency. My ex and I had a codependent relationship and she is bipolar. It was a very wild fast ride that ended in flames. I ignored all the red flags and continued on because this girl showered me with affection I was not used to. When it went away I felt empty. Its comparable to a drug addiction. Like having withdraws from this person. It baffels me how our brains are wired and we can feel this way. That's why its so important to keep up with yourself and your emotions. Have self boundaries.

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Good for you. Absolutely stay firm in your boundaries. I didn't in my last relationship that ended almost 3 weeks ago. I won't say she walked all over me, but I have a lot more than I received and accepted less than I deserved. In the end she claimed to not be ready for a relationship after agreeing to be in one months earlier. I put up with the lack of affection and a relationship I was never comfortable in because I loved her. Never again. Live and learn.

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Good for you. Absolutely stay firm in your boundaries. I didn't in my last relationship that ended almost 3 weeks ago. I won't say she walked all over me, but I have a lot more than I received and accepted less than I deserved. In the end she claimed to not be ready for a relationship after agreeing to be in one months earlier. I put up with the lack of affection and a relationship I was never comfortable in because I loved her. Never again. Live and learn.


With you on that

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Good for you. Absolutely stay firm in your boundaries. I didn't in my last relationship that ended almost 3 weeks ago. I won't say she walked all over me, but I have a lot more than I received and accepted less than I deserved. In the end she claimed to not be ready for a relationship after agreeing to be in one months earlier. I put up with the lack of affection and a relationship I was never comfortable in because I loved her. Never again. Live and learn.


Ditto. I changed a lot in the month or so that me & ex/friend didn't talk, but the second she got back in touch I accepted pretty much everything & didn't stand up for my own boundaries. Gave it my absolute all & accepted less than I wanted. This meant I got ridiculously burnt a month later when she didn't want to be in a relationship & didn't feel that she loved me.


It can be incredibly hard, but you need to have strong self boundaries.

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