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Ex keeps reaching out..and she dumped me

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Ex and I dated for 5 years, from the ages of 15-20 years old. Long story short she left me through a text and a couple weeks later she started to date a woman.


I took it real hard and after 3 months of doing the exact opposite of what I should have been doing when she left me, I finally cut ALL ties.


We are nearly 11 months after BU


Since then, she has tried to reach out a couple times basically says she misses and still wants to be friends. I simply said, don't get your hopes up, you destroyed me and I don't think I can ever be your friend.


Two months later (now) she sent me a HUGE text saying she wants to discuss our break up. She said part of the reason we broke up was because she never felt good enough for me. She continues to say how much she misses and still has pictures of us together in her room and says I meant the absolute most to her and she used to be angry after the BU but she recently broke down when a friend told me how happy she used to look with me and now she is just super sad and wants me back as ONLY a best friend or whatever. She says she is going strong with her Girl friend and this is not an attempt to get me back. She says, and I quote, "I want you to be able to fix the things that hurt me so bad so that you don't make the same mistakes with someone else." Then ending her text saying, lets forget everything bad that ever happened and start over as new friends in a new life.


At first this freaked me out as any contact still does. I am not over her and miss her everyday, but I am doing SO WELL without her FINALLY as of only a couple months ago. After sitting on this for a while, her text made me furious. She completely broke me and went to someone and never had the guts to tell me. and now after all this time she wants ME to make her feel better??? She needs my approval and forgiveness so SHE can be happy?!


I don't know how to respond to this as she has been known to manipulate me. I don't know what to take from this.


So far the only thing I can think of saying is, "when Im ready to discuss things I will let you know"


But I would feel like an for saying so little when she put so much into hers, then again, I should be focusing on me right?



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