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Second date?


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So I went on a first date, the first since a very tough break up, a week ago. The guy said that night he'd like to do it again, and then messaged after the date that night to say he'd like to do it again, however I'm still waiting for him to ask........ I think perhaps I'm more scarred then I realised from the break up to the extent I'm worrying far more and analysing far more than I ever would have done at this stage about any messages we're having at the moment......... we have been in touch just nothing about the second date. I could grab the bull by the horns and ask him but I don't want to put myself out there for the possible hurt.


I'd really appreciate advice...........

Many thanks,


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Yep - I was thinking the same, good to have someone else's opinions too. Silly really

I know no two men are the same, but going on previous experience, if a guy is in to you they will get that next date in the diary soon won't they? Or do some guys just generally take it slow? Perhaps I'm just not used to the days before everything being so 'instant'! ha!

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So I went on a first date, the first since a very tough break up, a week ago. The guy said that night he'd like to do it again, and then messaged after the date that night to say he'd like to do it again, however I'm still waiting for him to ask........ I think perhaps I'm more scarred then I realised from the break up to the extent I'm worrying far more and analysing far more than I ever would have done at this stage about any messages we're having at the moment......... we have been in touch just nothing about the second date. I could grab the bull by the horns and ask him but I don't want to put myself out there for the possible hurt.


I'd really appreciate advice...........

Many thanks,



Give it a few days. If you don't hear from him prod him with a simple text. If he still doesn't ask you out, you have an answer.

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Hopefully you don't get too worked up about this guy. After all that you went through with the last dude, please just view this as sticking your feet back in the dating pool. It's exploration and it will take a while before anything fruitful really develops.

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The way me and my guy have been doing it is making a date for the next time we plan to see each other before our date ends. It's been working out best this way, so we both know we have definitive plans. So if you do see him again, say something like...' It would be awesome to do this again next week...you wanna plan something?' HIs answer...or lack of answer will be telling.

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Thank you all, and thank you Ms Darcy... feel strangely honoured to have you comment on one of my threads as I always really respect and value your opinions!!


Bizarrely he actually got in touch and asked me out this weekend.... so we'll see... and yes, I'm totally seeing this as dipping my toes back in to the dating pool, makes it all the better that he's nice and a dish to boot!!

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