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People just dislike me no matter who or where

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I dont know whats wrong with me but most people just genreally dislikeme overtime or as their initial reaction.People i have met online through enotalone or other things like stop talking to me and ignore me.People in regualar life like co workers and stuff never really like me and usually tend to ignore me.I dont know how i got some of these friends overtime with how many people ignore me.Maybe this is the same reason girls ignore me maybe they find me boring and stupid like everyone seems to find me.People only want my attention sometimes because im so nice kind of like the jerk waitresses who like to use their stupid ways to help me with their jobs.So my question is do u have an idea why people dislike me or what?Because it makes me really depressed on everyday with people ignoring me and disliking me.I wish i was a likeable person with lots of charisma but im just stupid old me.Every girl is turned off by how i act around them.Every guy around me doesnt like me usually.I just dont seem to be good with people.

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They say that if u cant change the ppl around u , then change yourself.


Everything's not fair in this world. Some ppl accomplish things the easy way and others have to go through the hard way. Some ppl strike it rich on a lottery ticket and others are meant to live to work their s out till they retire.


No matter how hard you try to impress everyone, there would always be someone who wouldnt like the way you are.


Anyway back to the point, try thinking back of what made them ignore you, what wrong did you do. Just ponder on this thought and figure out whats wrong. Maybe ask good friends of yours their opinion. Just dont get offended. They will be telling what they think of u.


If u r indeed a nice guy and ppl tend to take advantage of u , well screw them. Dont let them.


Just remember that nobody's perfect.


And most importantly be happy with who you are. Good luck.

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You are a unique person . Why should you change . These people you speak about sound like idiots . They probably are not quality people . . You sound like a decent and caring guy . I say be yourself and care about what you think and not what others think . believe me over time people will see your attributes as a person . Do not put yourself down . you are a valuable person . we all are . YOU HAVE TO NOT WORRY ABOUT FITTING IN . you are a good guy and you just keep on being yourself . do not become a jerk just to be like stupid people . . eventually people will see that you are a genuine person and not phony like them . Girls are not your main focus in life . just be the best person you can be . but always be who you are ! good luck . r. m.

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Yes it's hard..So you have the feeling ppl don't take you as you are...Just becos you have a "plain" look...Just try to understand the opposite can be also true...I do have a lot of charisma...A lot of people like to seduce me...So in a way they don't take me as I am..They only want sex...It really made me lonesome and I was alone for 12 years...Now I have a boyfriend whom I live together with...Anyhow...One rule I like to say to you..Don't try to get the attention of people who avoid you...Instead have a conversation with that old lady on the bus...Or that guy or girl in the tearoom...but don't let him feel you're looking for affection...People don't like that..But don't go with them in their superficial thinking...Go with the flow..(act even if it doesn't feel that way like it's the most normal case that you talk to them and that you get their attention) This is my vision..I wish you a lot of luck..And if you feel lonely or sad..Keep posting here..Stefanie

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If you think that no one likes you, other people pick up on that vibe and they decide not to like you. If you project an aura of, "I'm a good guy - I'm a good friend, I'm a nice person to be with," people will respond to that. I think that your self-esteem may be at the root of things. Read some books, talk to some about these things. I know on this website there are several articles on self-esteem.


You may want to dissect your actions. Are you a show off? Are you always putting down people? Are you a "one-upper?"


Well, good luck!

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- get to you . I know it is tough to do . You should focus on what you like to do and spend time with people that are uplifting . Stefanie said some really interesting things . I like her thoughts too . She makes sense . Stefanie , I am sorry you dealt with people like thjat for so many years . But I am proud of you for not allowing it to drag you down to their level .You must be a special person . But getting back to what I was saying , you havexalot going for you n, do not get down on yourself .You are a winner , if you see yourself as a winner . Do you understand ? It has been a pleasure speaking to you . BEST WISHES , R. M.

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