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Hi , I'm an eighteen year old girl just under five feet recently I have put on a lot of weight and I wasn't happy with my size even before this. My boyfriend recently told me I have a double chin and my mother who also struggles with her weight has made many negative comments about my weight lately as well. I really can't motivate myself to change. I am working six days a week and doing college work on the side when I am not doing this I am having a few drinks with my friends or getting take away with my boyriend. I know I eat too much and I feel craps every time I eat something bad but it dosnt stop me I feel out of control. I have no desire to excercise and feel exhausted very easily. I don't feel like I have the power to change If I go on a diet and don't see results fast I lose hope. I don't like hearing the words gradually or slowly or overtime when it comes to losing weight . I just want to find out some sort of trick or secret to losing weight really fast and then when I feel good I can make the lifestyle change. Right now I feel like being slimmer is the only thing stopping me from being happier. Please comment with your opinions.

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The only way to lose weight really fast is to have surgery.

Being slimmer is not going to make you happier, or healthier, because your eating habits and lifestyle will not of changed at all.

Thinking that being slimmer means that your lifestyle will change is bulls*it. I don't want to be harsh, but you didn't just wake up one day this way did you? Why would you expect it to just disappear over night?

You need to change the types of food you eat, how often you eat, the portions you eat, the amount of water you drink, you have to incorporate some sort of exercise, even if it is walking to start. There are steps you need to take in order to change, there is no magic secret otherwise there would be no overweight or obese people, everyone would just use the "secret".

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I just want to find out some sort of trick or secret to losing weight really fast and then when I feel good I can make the lifestyle change.


Right now I feel like being slimmer is the only thing stopping me from being happier.


If there was some trick or secret, someone would be a millionaire. There is no trick or secret.

Being slimmer is not the only thing stopping you from being happier. Thinking that it is will likely lead to disappointment if you do lose the weight. However, you could potentially feel better if you lost the weight. I imagine it's kind of upsetting to feel tired all the time, dislike how you look, etc.

So it's up to you. You either decide to change or not. You have all the control.


Oh, and perhaps you should reconsider your relationship with your bf if he feels that it's a nice thing to tell you that you have a double chin. I'm not sure how that's positive or helpful to you in any way.

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No tricks to losing weight. And when you do take a shortcut it's always unsustainable and when you can no longer sustain it the weight all comes back plus more.


If you really, and I mean Really want to get back in shape, make an account with myfitnesspal. Track your calories, make use of the forum. Eat smarter. If you are too reluctant to take up more substantial exercise, at least start walking. (If you exercise, you can eat more). Also, tell mfp you'd like to lose half a pound a week. It defaults to 1 pound per week but in my opinion that isn't enough calories in a day to be sustainable and even doing the slow weight loss, I still gained all of my weight back when I stopped counting, you need to lose Reeeeeally slowly if you want it to stay off.

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>>The only way to lose weight really fast is to have surgery.


Actually, there are ways to lose weight more quickly relative to other ways. So surgery isn't the only option.


There are liquid diets like Medifast (google it) that were developed by doctors to help morbidly obese people lose weight quickly. The good news is that you don't have a lot of choice and if you just stick to their plans and drink the shakes you will lose weight and fairly quickly. But it is crashingly boring and you will feel somewhat deprived because you can't have any really 'fun' foods, but the goal is to break your addiction to those foods so it works quite well. And on Medifast if you really stick to it you can loose weight at about the same rate one would for surgery.


The 'regular' diet shown to lose weight the most quickly are low carb diets. When I need to trim pounds, I go on one of those, and can trim 7 lbs the first week, and 3.5 pounds ever week thereafter if i stick to it and don't gorge on meats/cheese etc. But you have to be diligent and not cheat at all by eating carbs or this diet will not work. It throws you into a metabolic state that burns fat rapidly, but you only get kicked into that state by giving up all carbs and not cheating. And you again feel pretty deprived because you have to limit your food selections to only high protein/low carb food such as eggs, meats and salad greens only. There are many books on low carb diets and online resources you can use for this diet.

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