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My ex-boyfriend's mom contacted me? What's the right thing to do?

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My ex-boyfriend and I were together for two years and during this time, I basically lived with him and his family and formed a close relationship with his mom who loved me as a daughter. We broke up 7 months ago and I don't keep in contact with his family anymore besides wishing them a Merry Christmas. Anyways his mom recently messaged me asking how I've been and saying she misses me and asked if I could come visit her.


Originally I said I didn't think it would be a good idea because me and her son no longer talk to each other and it might make him feel uncomfortable and I do know that he has moved out since the break up and that his mom has been feeling sad and alone lately (single mom, only son). She also suffers from depression and I do still care about her because she was like a second mom to me so I felt bad for saying no to her when she asked to see me because I'm sure it would mean a lot to her if I did. But at the same time I'm doing so well with moving on and by no means do I want to get back together with him so I don't want this to cause any unnecessary drama.


I'm just confused as to what I should do because I don't know whether or not this is inappropriate at all? And for the record I'm pretty sure he has nothing to do with this either and that he's completely unaware of his mom even talking me.


To be honest this is all a bit too weird for me and I am absolutely clueless as to what to do so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I think you should be honest... you also miss her and think about her a great deal but out of respect for her son and your own still mending heart that its best to limit contact to casual greetings and xmas cards.


This in my opinion is the hardest part of breaking up... good luck!

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She obviously likes you as a friend, which is sweet in all honesty. However, explain to her that for the foreseeable future you are not in a place where you can see her because of the past relationship, but if she wanted to talk or put something past you that she could call you. Aim to limit it to casual communication and Xmas cards though, ideally.

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