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Hi, i think my gf is sending a lot of mixed signals to me right now. A few days ago, we had a "talk" about me and her. Whenever i ask her if she loves me or if we are toegether, she either says "idk" or avoids the question. We havent actually met yet, because we met each other on im. And we've known each other for 5 monthes. She tells me that in school her ex keeps text msging her to ask her out again. She said that she replied with a "No, i alrdy have a bf." ( which she says is me =) )


Also, whenever i get on aim, she is the first one to say hi, which is a good sign right? because if we were breaking up, she wouldnt talk to me at all right? lol. Also, the whole conversation we had was depressing, because it was about me carving into my hand. i dont know if it affects the relationship, but i promised that i would change and never carve, and commit myself to a better relationship. she says shes still thinkin stuff through. And these past days after the "talk" she never says " i love you" after conversations when one of us has to go. this is normal right? b/c i think her feelings are mixed. or is it because she just doesnt love me anymore. We are arranging for her to come over over around april. and her mom said that would be ok =)


any advice on what i should do????

should i not worry and just wait things out? and not worry about her not saying "i love you" anymore?

or should i give her some room.

thanks so much if you could help-

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5 months and you still haven't met,yet think you are in love? Meet the girl already. Then you can see if it's real or not. Online relationships are fun and flirtatious. But if you are expecting any more than that (like love and committment) then you should probably bring the relationship up to a more personal level. Like meeting in person.

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oaky listen,It sounds to me like she is having some mixed thoughts, theres not muych you can do except to show her that you love her, Let her come too on her own and if she dose break up with you then you two will still be good friends, now on the other hand you could force the issue and she will get mad at you and break up never to talk to you again, or you could pine over it all day and night to the point that you cant even think of her without feeling bad, and you two break up probably never to be friends again, its your choice, I leave it to you.

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This is the best advice that I can give you, dont ask her if she loves you. Let that be something that she tells you if you are bugging her to hear it then it just comes off all wrong. Be patient and realize that she may not love you or she may not know what love means. At this point in your relationship it is not necessary for her or you to say such things. So let it go

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hey sankin thx for advice, but any1 got tips on how i could show her that i love her. i mean i can only use aim, email, letters, and the phone. so its sorta hard b/c we cant see each other in person. so its sorta hard to express your love and show her u love her.


any tips???

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