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what makes a woman attractive?

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Wow, this is not easy to answer.


Lookswise, I think they are general things that most men find attractive, but for every possible feature there is a man who will like it. Sure most men like there women to be in good shape, but that can mean a bunch of different shapes. (FYI, the ratio of a woman's waist to her hips may be significant. A ratio of 0.67 to 0.8 seems to be of widespread appeal.) Too fat or too skinny would be a problem for most. Breasts that are big or small can attract, present and firm pert seem more important to me than big, but other guys will differ. Clear unblemished skin is nice, but not many have it and they still attract, so that is a matter of degree.


Shape of her face can vary, as can color and style and kind of hair. Other studies have shown that average in the face is very attractive. Computer programs have been used to scan the faces of a number of people and avergae them out, then depict an average image. The average image is usually very attractive.


Personality, think of all the good quailities and put them on paper. Nice, friendly, sexy, confident, honest, etc.

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Obviously looks count but it's amazing how quickly personality matters more.


Speaking for myself a woman who smiles and is friendly is very attractive (particularly if she laughs at my jokes) and also if she never takes you for granted.

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Looks: Varies from person to person. Don't worry about it, personality counts infinitly more. As long as you are happy with the way you look, that's what matters.


Personality: Again, different people will like different things. But some generally things I've noticed include: confidence, nice, honest, sincere, trustworthy, caring, similar interests, someone they can feel comfortable with, someone who they can get along with and understand each other, someone who will be a true friend.

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Nope, your not wrong. Trust is one of, if not the most important aspects in a relationship. If you don't think you can trust the person then there will be nothing but problems and the relationship won't last long. So yes, trust is very important.

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well... I understand the topic now....


Umm... To add something different... I think a woman is more atractive when there's "communication" between the.... 2 bfs I should say..? Anyways... when you find that this girl or guy is communicating with you, telling you things just to inform you or what ever may be the case... you find.. of course, communication but also trust, confidence, you find a friend, and someone you know that you may or may not want to be around... and not beacouse of the looks...


I don't think honesty and love pretty much fit in... but... maybe you'll think about that too....


So I think a woman is more atractive when she communicates with you. For me, or my personality... I think that having a beautiful blonde, 90, 60,90 blue eyes.... beautiful soft, clear, and white skin bla bla bla will really not matter if you know you can't trust them, can't find confidence arond them... and you don't find a friend eather...

But thats just the way I think... I woul't want to end up burried with someone....... I dislike eather as for looks... so, there has to be like... at list a 50, 50 shere... (If I find a single girl who is 100, 100 she woun't be single anymore... )


-So thats my part and my thoughts... does anyone disagree or think I'm wrong? if so... please reply and tell me what was wrong of my... comment... I will look back to it and... think about it... mybe agree with you... -

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Her eyes, if she keeps eye contact with you when you are talking. Standing close to you when you are walking with her or just standing around, it sort of shows that she wants to be close to you and trusts you. Long relatively straight or wavy hair, preferably dark for me actually, I don't think blonde hair is all is made out to be for some reason.

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Standing close to you when you are walking with her or just standing around,


personally i hate this. it makes them seem waaaay too clingy-ish. At least in the beginning dont be too close



personally i find shorter girls attractive (shorter than me). Everyone differs though. Personally i find some girls attractive when my friends are like "uh.... sure.... shes hot....yeah...". So I definitely believe that there is at least one person who will find a person attractive.

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