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Day 7 of NC, she contacts me with something I don't understand.

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A little background, just got out of this long distance relationship on January 30.


In our time together, she said things like "I can't put into words how unbelievably perfect you are for me. I knew right away. You're the only person I've loved in the past 3 years. I'll never leave you." Every day I'd make her laugh and feel important. She even put a picture up of me on her instagram the first day we talked and a few weeks later to show her couple thousand followers about how perfect I was for her. Then she loses interest like there was never anything there.



A week ago, she told me that my personality isn't what she envies and that she wouldn't be fulfilled.


But I found her twitter and found out that she only tweets about getting back together with the guy I made her stop talking to if she wanted to be with me. My advice to you guys, don't look at her social media. Nothing good will come from it.


I confronted her about it and I told her, "I'm not going to stick around if you want to be with someone else. Have a nice life." and she says that she is no longer drawn to me and maybe it would be different if I was there but we don't belong. I never responded.



Day 5 of NC, she sent me a message. All it said was, "I'm sorry." I never responded. Sorry for what? She didn't specify.


Today, day 7, she sent me this.


"I can't just leave you, I know you're sad. I know it's partly my fault. Let the relationship change, don't just break it off out of hate. And I don't mean dating relationship, I mean one human to another. If you can't love all of me ... like this is who I am... then you never loved me at all anyway!"


The reason I'm sad isn't "partly" her fault, it's all her fault. I never did any wrong. But I don't understand the rest. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me but wants to be in a relationship with someone else. How does she not get that?


Does her text warrant a response?

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Agree with mhowe. She doesn't miss you, she misses the attention you gave her!


You are a smart man. No her message does not warrant a response...it would serve no purpose other than to satisfy her self-serving need for attention.


Block her, go no contact forever...and carry on with your life.... you don't need that type of BS in your life.

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No, you cannot PM me because you are too new and don't have that ability.


I don't want a condensed version --- I was simply asking if this in a cyber relationship or if you had ever met.


I said that because she runs hot and cold and that she is actually tweeting about getting back with someone else --- not you.

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Why do you say she's in all of this for the attention?


And I can PM you a condensed story of our relationship if you want to read it.


Wha? Read you original post again. And the things she said on twitter before you told her you didn't want to be with someone who was into SOMEONE ELSE.


She responded by saying she is "no longer drawn to you"!


Then 5-6 days later she contacts you saying she still wants a RL with you...but a " changed" one?


Translation: She still wants to be free to be with this other guy or another guy...but still wants your shoulder to lean on when she's lonely whatever...


Like I said, she doesn't want/miss you...she misses the attention you gave her.


Remember, she said your personality isn't right for her; she wouldn't be fulfilled and she is no longer drawn to you.. what is it about those words are you not understanding?

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And to your point about me not understanding her saying that she is no longer drawn to me. For two months straight she would tell me about how perfect I was, literally saying every day she sees something new in me and how it makes me more perfect.


Then, one week she's on her period and she's just saying whatever comes to her mind and that's when she says all of this. I think by her saying "I'm no longer drawn to you" was just a way for her to avoid talking about the other guy and make her feel better.


But I'm not going to forget what she said. Thank you guys.

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Yikes the only thing she deserves from you is blocking, let that one go she'll mess with your mind. You're better off..!


Totally agree here. Run for the hills and don't look back. My ex is like this and she enjoys the drama that surrounds her life (I'm not the drama), if she could get rid of it she would be such a better person, this is why her current flame and her wll not work as he hates drama.

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