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Things are getting better


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It's been a week. I'm happy to say that my phase of crying sporadically throughout the day seems to be over, but unfortunately I still think about him the moment I wake up, when I go to sleep, and whenever I'm not busy. I'm losing the desire to contact him, but I still check facebook at times just to see if he posted anything. I still wonder if he wants to contact me also. I have to tell myself it has only been a week. I need more time for things to get even better.

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And it will get better. It just takes time. But it sounds like you have your head on straight so good for you.


The only thing I'd recommend is to stay away from Facebook. Blocking him would be a good idea. Best of luck.


Thank you. I just don't want to block him and send him the wrong message. Our split was pretty amicable and I consider him a good friend, although I'm purposely not communicating with him right now. But then again, no matter how good a split, I need to do what I need to do for my own personal healing. Which is why NC is being enforced right now on my part. I'll just try my hardest not to visit his page for now. I'm just not in the mindset of blocking him right now.

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Bri... Im going to tell you this because I can forsee the future (I have ESPN) If you continue to look at his FB page, you will eventually find something that is going to make you cry and se you back to day 1. If morbid curiosity is getting the better of you then you are only asking for the pain you get when you see a picture of him with a new girl. If crying because your heart has been re-broken is on the menu for you, then by all means looking at his FB page is the way to go. If you dont want to cry, then be stronger than that. Because once you see him with another girl, you cant un-see it. I dont think you need to block him, just be strong

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Bri... Im going to tell you this because I can forsee the future (I have ESPN) If you continue to look at his FB page, you will eventually find something that is going to make you cry and se you back to day 1. If morbid curiosity is getting the better of you then you are only asking for the pain you get when you see a picture of him with a new girl. If crying because your heart has been re-broken is on the menu for you, then by all means looking at his FB page is the way to go. If you dont want to cry, then be stronger than that. Because once you see him with another girl, you cant un-see it. I dont think you need to block him, just be strong


If you won't block him then at least unfollow. You will eventually see something that will spiral you downwards. Happened to me and I paid the price. Wish I never ever looked at her posts. I ended up deactivating Facebook. Trust me, do not go there.

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If you won't block him then at least unfollow. You will eventually see something that will spiral you downwards. Happened to me and I paid the price. Wish I never ever looked at her posts. I ended up deactivating Facebook. Trust me, do not go there.


Just like everyone on this thread is responding....Facebook can be a lot of times one of them ost hurtful things.My ex suggested to give me a link on his facebook so i can check that ,,he did not leave me for another person''.I did not bother to even look.We were never friends on facebook the begin with.First of all it can get addictive to have him on there,especially since u have messenger...very unhealthy.To me personally it adds more to the pain.

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If you won't block him then at least unfollow. You will eventually see something that will spiral you downwards. Happened to me and I paid the price. Wish I never ever looked at her posts. I ended up deactivating Facebook. Trust me, do not go there.


Thats assuming they are 'friends' still on FB. I wouldnt even do that, just un-friend and DONT LOOK! FB is evil after a break up

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Yes we're still friends on FB. It's funny cause I hardly frequent FB in the first place. I'm the person who loves other social media sites and only post a status maybe 5 or 6 times a year on FB, but since the BU I check it more often I don't have him on any other social media. I'm going to try my willpower and go back to not visiting the site as much. No1 you give great advice. And maybe I should unfriend, just not ready at the moment

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