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Torn about what to do


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My uncle has written me recently about me coming back out to visit him in HK later this month. He tells me he misses hanging out with me and he's been tempting me with pictures of food that I can enjoy there and such. I was just there at the end of Oct and had a great time hanging out with him. We went out every day out to eat, sightseeing, etc. I want to go back to visit him (since we just reconnected last year after 25 years of not speaking to each other due to issues with my mom (his sister) ). I am torn. He's been emailing me, every other day, asking me to come. I do have the money and I do have the vacation time to do this.


I am torn because I want to pay down some of my credit card bills, but then I also realize that he won't be around forever, so part of me wants to go see him and hang out with him. I know that if I go visit, he will end up paying for my food and my getting around (taxi, subway, etc). He's done that the last two times I was there. I try to pay for some of the food but he doesn't let me. I do end up taking him out for a meal on the last day or so. My costs will be the air fare, hotel, and a bit of spending money.


Not sure if I should prioritize paying down the credit cards, or just go visit him for a week and "to hell with it for this month".


Ugh. I hate being an adult about things.

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eh.... might be good to pay down the CC bills. is it possible for you to pick up any side job so you can pay down bills faster or put that towards the "travel fund?"


also, can you maybe stay with him to save on hotel costs?


Staying with him is out of the question due to my aunt's "personal issues". She's paranoid about having anybody visit or stay with them. She won't let any of my uncle's family (his sisters, brother, my grandma (when she was alive) ), even come over to see their place. It's been a point of contention between my mom, my mom's sister and her, for a very long time.

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poor guy, no wonder he wants you to come. he needs some time away from the crazy wife.


Yeah, it's been pretty bad with my aunt. When I was there in Nov., I took them both out for a dinner on my last night, and the paranoia my aunt was exhibiting at the restaurant was kind of unsettling. She is also ultra religious and spends most of her time at the temple praying and helping out, or at home praying.


My uncle really enjoys my company. He would come visit me but she's paranoid about him flying to the US. When he came for my brother's wedding, my aunt didn't come but she was very unsettled about him coming and wouldn't let my cousin (their son) come with him.

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Why is your aunt so paranoid exactly? That's a bit odd. What is she so worried about?


The family thinks she has some underlying psychological issues, that have been getting worse as she gets older. Unfortunately, most Chinese people see psychological issues as a real "negative" and so they do not get treatment for it, so as not to bring shame upon the family.

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Could you get really aggressive about paying down your cc debt and use the trip as a treat- like, once I pay down X amount on my credit card AND save the money for this trip I will book it?


Not really right now, because my uncle is hoping I come in the next few weeks (and there are sales right now). After this window, we will be getting into the busy season and prices will stay high until late Oct/Nov.

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