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Did I do the right thing in the end?

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Ex and I dated intensely for 2 years. Wanted kids, marriage etc. We broke up due to infidelity issues and severe trust issues.


He moved on and I have been trying to. Randomly 8 months from the break up he contacts me "Hi". I shouldn't of replied however I was at a strong enough point to respond to his email. So I asked him why he contacted me. He said him and his new gf were having issues and he needed someone to talk to someone he could trust.


I then told him to go away because I wouldn't be his emotional band aid. (This new gf was the girl he left me for).


I then stupidly went onto a dating website to see if his profile was there. It was. I emailed him if he wanted to see me. I don't know why. I wanted to test and see if our relationship was ever important.


He replied he couldnt this week. So I emailed him saying to forget it and found out the real reason he couldn't was that he was seeing his ex gf for the week. I emailed him and said forget about seeing me. Bye and goodluck.


He then said he wanted to see me and it's just something that needs alot of consideration.


So I emailed back saying" I just want to continue moving on with my life and being happy. Best of luck and take care. Goodbye"


Did I do the right thing in the end by just sending that email? I know I shouldn't of replied at all. Emotions are strange. Was I right to go back to NC?

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Heck yes, you did the right thing. You broke up with the guy over infidelity issues. You toyed with the idea of contacting him, he was in a relationship. Then he realized maybe he could use you to cheat on her and wanted to get back in touch after all. And you wisely said no thanks and told him what you wanted. To move on and be happy, which will not happen if you now accept a demotion to side piece.


You did good, be proud of yourself and let this guy be someone else's headache and heartache.

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