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TO SHAVE OR NOT TO SHAVE...in the southern region...

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Hi Sephora,

Never had one myself, but from my understanding it's a full wax of the area...As far as where to go to get one, I'd look for a place through a referral from a friend. If the facility you go to isn't clean, I'm guessing you can pick up quite an array of nasty little creatures or some other horrifying thing...Good luck. I'd like to know how it goes. I won't do it, just chicken I guess..

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Have to admit reading this thread has struck an interest.. LOL. I would have to say a preference going down on fully shaven, but like someone else would be curious aboutthe girls perspective on the guys.. btw for someone who ask about Brazilian Wax...


here is a nice link.. and think I choose to be an acountant when I could have been a Brazilian Wax Specialist.. LOL


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  • 2 weeks later...

For Her: smooth (the best!) or the landing strip


For me: smooth on the sack and base and then I use a beard trimmer set to number 2 or 3 for the rest of it. (I'm not a porno star, so I can't see the point in shaving completely.)


Anyway, I figure if the woman I'm seeing is going to put forth the effort, so can I. Besides, who wants to break out the weed whacker to get to the promised land, or worse yet, having to stop oral to pick out the strays? Keep it smooth ladies and your man will love you for it.

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for me --> i always used to just trim and have the landing strip. i recently started shaving completely and although its annoying to deal with razor burn and ingrown hairs, its so worth it!! i feel more clean and fresh at the time, and my guy LOVED it. never complained about the trimmed area, but ever since i started shaving completely... apparently its been a turn on


for him --> not shaved completely, but definitely trimmed

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I have always wanted to have a relationship with a girl who shaved, but I have yet to meet one. Some seem to think of it as a weird thing. I've been too shy to request it.


I shaved for comfort during the summer/fall when I'm doing a lot of physical work outdoors. It does feel cleaner and somewhat less "restricting" - for lack of a better expression.

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Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:15 pm    Post subject:


Everybody knows shaving is out, and so is the landing strip.


Keep it trimmed, but not shaven.



I don't think anyone in this post is trimming/shaving as some sort of a fashion statement.


To suggest something is "out" or "in" implies trends, popular culture etc...

I certainly don't parade around town displaying the albino snake.


It's very much a comfort and sensativity issue with me.

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I would have to think that it is not. I think a lot of people in our Victorianlike, less liberated, North American society would either find it too maitainance-heavy, tabboo or simply try it out of curiosity and let it grow back in due to burns and/or bumps.


You have to really be a somewhat motivated individual on a number of different levels to try it and to maintain it. The Europeans don't seem to be of the type who would embrace that kind of practice, seeing as how they're not as inclined to shave their legs or armpits.


Also, those who have thicker hair folicles may have more issues than those with the thinner type. Europeans - Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spanish etc.. tend to be of that genetic predisposition. They likely require more frequent removal sessions as well. The Celtic types may have finer hair, but they may burn more easily. So one really has to be motivated.


The great sensation with sex is often motivation enough, for the first while!

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I go completely bare and use a hair epilator. It doesn't hurt quite as much as one would think once you get used to it... but you gotta be careful!!! I love going completely bare, it makes me feel clean and confident!!!


As for a guy, I think I would be really turned off if I came accross one that was shaved completely or hairless. I like my men to be manly, so trimmed is good, as long as there is some hair there still... I can also deal with untrimmed too, although the occasional hair in mouth is a drawback!!!

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Wow. I must say, I'm surprised by the number of women who shave. I always thought it was unusual to do so, not the norm.


As for myself, I keep the area trimmed, and do a little more if I'm going to be wearing a bathing suit, but that's it. My b/f seems to like it that way, so I'm not going to change.


I tried shaving once, but found the area so itchy and uncomfortable, that I don't think I'll do that again (my b/f didn't like it either).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried most of them. Natural, Standard Bikini Wax, Brazillian Bikini Wax, Hollywood wax and post-hollywood wax. Personally i find brazillian the most comfortable for me, my partner doesn't care which i have as long as it's clean & tidy. Definitely prefer to wax (even though more costly) as shaving doesn't last long, gets itchy, more prone to razor burn etc...

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  • 1 year later...

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