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Im in shock, devastated that he's gone. Please help, Im lost

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I am in the angry phase? I went put last night on a date with someone I met at work, better than sitting in alone I thought. He was a nice man, took me to a lovely restaurant and we chatted and got along ok. But, I felt numb, kept thinking of my ex, wondering what he was doing and wanting to be with him instead. I have woken this morning with the same churned up feelings I had at the start of the week. I was doing so well too. I went out every eveing with a different friend and kept busy all day at work. Yesterday I cleaned my apartment and met a friend for coffee before going out. As today is Sunday and im not busy im thinking about him and missing our time together. I feel angry that all the plans we had made are now destroyed and cant understand how he can do this, why wont he talk to me? Why did he pack and leave every time we had the slightest disagreement? I hate feeling this way, i dont want to but the thought of starting all over again with someone new.......I didnt expect to feel so sad again as I was starting to feel slightly better and accepting that he couldnt have really loved me to have up and gone the way he did. Im so sad, how do I cope? What do I do next? What does everyone else do when faced with a whole day alone with just memories?

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Dinner was nice but i didnt want to be with this guy. Kept thinking about and comparing him to my ex, i didnt talk about him but think i chatted too much about other stuff instead, i felt nothing and was pleased to get home, then Yesterday i had a really tearful day again, which surprised me. I just cant u derstand how he can do this after how close we were. Im back to not eating and sleeping again. I have to go in to work but feel awful. I just wish i could shift from this state im in,

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