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Broke up with me out of the blue


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Oh my God so sorry to hear about what your ex did to you. im glad you got yourself out of the despair. I think u pushed yourself because you knew you had to take care of your son.Sometimes we have to push ourselves because of our loved ones. I'm trying but I still cant sleep eat or stop smooking but today I decided I will get a haircut or buy myself something nice and be kind to myself .i keep telling myself he is not worth my misery or anything I guess rejection is the worst feeling in the world it pushes even the strongest of ppl to the edge but I will get out of this soon. love your advice lostandhurt thank you

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You will be fine even though it doesn't feel like it t the moment.


I am a better father, brother, friend, son and boss because of what happened so I look at it as something that helped me improve myself. Of course I chose to improve myself where some people don't learn and grow and end up repeating the same mistakes.


Yes be good to yourself and try and go hang out with some friends. Maybe invite some good friend out to dinner and a show. Sitting alone is not a good idea at this time.


You are welcome......one day you can pay it forward.


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Dear Lostandhurt thanks for your motivational post once again .When you shared your story i realised you have been through far worse then i have and still you made it through and are helping others .

I spoke to my father today and he is feeling much better thanks GOD his next chemo would be after 10 days ,it broke my heart when he asked me how is your flu and are you taking care of yourself. I mean all he can think of is me and i kept thinking Oh Lord i wanted to kill myself few days ago because of a scum while I'm blessed with wonderful parents, who even though are million of miles away from me on another continent but they love me immensely and if i would have done something crazy it would have effected them greatly.After 20 days i had breakfast today and i feel better ..still cant quit smoking though but i had quit it once in my life before for two years so in a while i will push myself to quit it again .I met a old friend yesterday we took off from work went shopping and i do feel much better after that.I know its going to be long and hard and these are just baby steps but I will keep pushing myself until i get better .I do loathe myself for missing him i wish i can just stop missing him and that whirlpool of happiness i was caught up with him and i wish this hole in my heart and soul can just fill up.I really do want to be that bubbly ,happy gal before I met him and not this sad loser that i have become.


Yeah Chitown i'm faking it lets c now...

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It is always terrible for those going through it and it hurts badly for each of us. It comes down to the depth of feelings you had for them and when it is over you are left spinning and alone. It sounds like the shock of it all is starting to wear off and your mind is clearing.


For now keep yourself on a schedule. Eat breakfast at 7am, lunch at noon and dinner at 6 even if you don't feel like eating. Nothing fancy just have stuff that is easy a quick so you can prepare it fast.


You will quit smoking soon because the longer you smoke the harder it will be to quit. You are right though, you quit once and you will quit again.


I don't know the area you live in but if you can take a walk after dinner each day it will help. Just a short walk to clear your head and get the blood flowing. Exercise helps more than you can imagine.


Hang in there


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Lostandhurt I will definitely follow your advice .I remember before all this i use to walk for at least 30-40 mins a day and it always cleared my mind .Its getting colder here but i will pick up on walking again. its crazy how i have given up all the good things in my life for someone who doesn't care .Thanks once again for bucking me up.I keep telling myself you will get through this, that is the only thing I'm telling myself every min of every day .The scariest thing is i keep hoping he contacts me or come backs to me,i also keep on thinking if he contacts me will i just run back to him and deep down i hear a answer yes you would

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