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feel i'm never gonna get over her


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You will, just takes time. Don't ask how much bc it's different for every person. Not long ago I was in your place, had one last meeting w/ her, after all was said and done and I opened myself up to the possibility of someone new I found w/o really looking someone I really really like. So take your time do your hurting, and when u feel it's right someone else will come along that'll make u wonder why u spent that much time upset over your ex. And trust me, she's an EX for a reason



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ya the hardest part is she has not contacted me at all. haven't heard a peep. everyone on here seems to have their exes contacting them or meeting up with them at some point shortly after the break up but in my case that hasn't happened. in my case, she is dating a new guy after 1 month and i'm history...left behind and forgotten about. I don't get it.

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Someone is still in denial that its over...

You are not getting over her because you refuse to believe what the current situation is. Its like you are still in shock or confused as to what happened. Here, Im going to summarize for you.

You two were dating, she broke up with you, she is dating someone else.

It sounds like you are still believing the words she said to you. That she was ready for a change or she loves you. Im going to give you some advice.. Everything she ever said to you has to be tossed out the window. Im not saying they were lies or she didnt mean what she said.. What Im saying is that no matter what she said regarding the future is completely and totally irrelevant in regards to your life.

Accept the moment or the "now" and that is that you and her are no longer a couple. Its over...

Is it harsh? Oh yeah, but you have to see that its over. The sooner you accept, the sooner you will be over her.

NOW... love is not a race but its a life long journey that we have to go thru. We are going to have wonderful times and horrible times, but we must continue to forge thru it. What I mean by love is not a race is that you cant say "how can she be happy while Im miserable?" Truth is, it doesnt matter who is in love first. Dont go on thinking "how could she forget me, did I matter" blah blah blah.. who cares? You two had fun, and now she moved on.

If you fall down, you dust yourself off and stand back up.. Its hard to make someone else happy when you dont make yourself happy. So put your big boy pants on, and get back to the guy that attracted women.. you can do it...

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ur right bro and trust me I haven't sat around sulking. I've actually been out dating and slept with a lot of other girls in the past 5 weeks. It's totally just superficial and me just being a pig b/c i'm angry at her but i'm just making the point that I pretty much know I can get other girls but for some reason I still want this one back. maybe it's an ego thing b/c she left on her terms and isn't chasing me. if u compared me and her side to side u would think I was crazy for ever even getting involved or taking this relationship serious. I question myself for getting involved and wonder why the hell I still care.

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yup exactly! my friends/family told me the same thing. now let him worry about all the crap I had to worry about. the thing is, he's "in a band"...a rocker type guy so I don't think he'll care about the stuff that bothered me. he probably loves the fact she's a stripper and they also live in different states so they can do their thing behind eachothers back and just have fun when they're together. I was trying to give her a commitment, secure, stable healthy relationship...she just isn't ready I guess

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Everything you described you are feeling is completely normal following the breakup of a relationship, especially a long term one. The important thing to do now is to make sure your words and actions are congruent with each other and not to demean yourself by chasing her. I would wish her well and stay NC with her. I would not ever contact her again. If she were to reach out I would say "thanks but no thanks" and send her on her way. She blew it dude and you should reframe things in this manner...she just lost the best thing she is ever going to have.

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thanks man you guys are great. need to hear this stuff! that's funny..."homeless" haha exactly! and he looks homeless and on drugs, if I showed u a pic ud laugh like I did but whatever it is about him he's got her now. sad but true. I go back and forth from "good riddens" to "come back". roller coaster of emotions, but my brain and deep down knows its for the best. the universe has something better in store for me. it was a gift to have someone like her removed from my life. she would've been a burden.

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