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how do i get my ex to talk to me again


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I was asked to make no contact with ex or family after an emotional breakdown i had. I since the breakdown figured out all the things that were wrong in the relationship. a little to late. she just started dating a new guy and is kissing him in public. they have had one date that i know of and knowing my ex it was followed by sex. and i am ok with this as we are not together and that is her right. which i respect. i am also sure this is the rebound guy. we were engaged to be married and together for 9 months. all i want to know is how can i get her to talk to me again. because she is my bestfriend and miss hanging out. she assicates sex with love. i would love to get her back. but am happy just having my bestfriend back. so how do i get her to talk to me again?

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I understand that you miss her, that is normal. Unfortunately, there's no way you can get her to talk to you and any attempts to do so will probably drive her further away. It sounds like you need to take some time and accept that she's gone. It hurts and it sucks but you will feel better over time.

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