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What does her comment mean?


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I changed my Facebook cover photo and put a new one yesterday. The new cover has 2 of my pictures in a composite kind of way.


Lot of my friends had liked it.


One woman wrote a comment "Oh my!" and 4 hours later wrote "I can't get over this - it KILLS me! Only you, Silver...only you


I am not sure what exactly those 2 comments mean. Is she making fun of me? I feel a bit embarrassed.. Can some one let me know what those comments mean?

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If 35 people like the pic and one is being weird I'd go with the 35 and ignore the one. Your only response should be a typed out, "Hahahahaha!" and leave it at that. Without knowing the woman's personality it's hard to say whether she likes or dislikes the picture though, especially if she tends to the melodramatic to begin with.

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If 35 people like the pic and one is being weird I'd go with the 35 and ignore the one. Your only response should be a typed out, "Hahahahaha!" and leave it at that. Without knowing the woman's personality it's hard to say whether she likes or dislikes the picture though, especially if she tends to the melodramatic to begin with.


For her comment "I can't get over this - it KILLS me! Only you, Silver...only you I replied "That was the whole idea K "


I didn't know what else to write back

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Sounds like a perfect response! When I said I took it as humorous, I meant it in a positive way. I don't see her comment as negative. It also may have had more to do w/ the effects than your pic. W/out seeing the pic it's hard to say. The effects must have been unique to your personal style from her comment. I think it's good.

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