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Why is my Scorpio boyfriend so confusing?


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I found a shelter that accepts pregnant women and helps them find work, school, etc. I'm seriously thinking about taking that route. I never thought I'd have to resort to a shelter because I have "pride" but looks like my only choice because I dont know anyone here and he wants to kill me every other week.


YES! yes, yes, yes. Grab your stuff and go now. Have them tell you how to keep him away and stay safe, just do it. You won't regret it and you and your baby will live to see a new, better life.


BTW I worked with two Scorpios at a women's shelter for 16 years helping people in your situation. They were great people who were not abusive in any way, shape or form. The abuse, that's totally all on whatever your BF's issues are. It has nothing to do with his star sign. One of the worst abusers I ever met was a Cancer, supposedly one of the most caring and domestic of star signs--hah! Not.


So toss all that idea into the trash and just realize abuse is abuse is abuse. It doesn't matter when, where or how (okay, maybe how) a person is born that really shapes how they treat others. I know it's safe and comforting to ascribe such things as astrology to human behavior, but as you live life I think you're going to find that for every person who holds true to something like that there will be a million others who don't and won't.


I believe it's a combination of many things that make up a person and batguano crazy is just batguano crazy no matter what the reason. And yes, his threats of wanting to kill you and your unborn child along with all of his other abusive behaviors say exactly that. He could be a freaking Cancer or some other loving passive star sign and it still wouldn't make him any less abusive than what he is.


Now pack your bags while he's not there and get to that shelter pronto. Disappear and get them to help you put together a new life. You and your baby will never be sorry about that.

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The fact that he's a scorpio has nothing to do with it. My ex husband was a scorpio. Yes, he was too dramatic (for me). He was sensitive, jealous, possessive, almost everything you read about scorpios in astrology books...BUT he was never abusive, never rude and never disrespectful.


Just leave this jerk and do it fast.

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I'm just hurting....and I love him very much. We haven't patched things up yet. Posting my questions here actually helps me not to text or call him.


How do you love someone who treats you so atrociously? If my boyfriend ever said such things to me, any feelings of love or anything else I felt for him would be gone, IMMEDIATELY. And I would walk out, forever. I wouldn’t care if I had to sleep on the freakin street, I would NEVER EVER tolerate be spoken to that way, no matter how much I "thought" I loved him.


That’s not love sweetie. That’s verbal abuse, and it will only get worse.


Please have some self-respect and do not tolerate that! How do you expect him to respect you if you don’t respect yourself?


He sounds horrible!!!

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  • 4 years later...

I am going through the same thing exact same temper tantrums. I did manage to move out as he kicked me out of the house, i foolishly went back to him but only thing this time, i did not leave my apartment im in and will not, because i wanted to make sure he could change. He slightly did, but i am afraid that we are just being manipulated by crying to us etc.. making false promises, at the end of the day it did not take long for him to again show true colors - im now officially done with his BS;

It happens my man is Scorpio - i dont know any other but let me tell you - no matter the horoscope - the only sign you need is the abusiveness to get the hell out

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