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She left after a 5 year relationship


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Hi everyone, i need some advice my girlfriend of 5 years just left me and she found a new guy in 2 weeks the new guy is a huge loser has no job all he does is sit at his parents place and smoke pot all day and has none of the interests she had neither of us have ever smoked pot and we were always kinda against the people who do it every day, and made nothing ove there lives, i don't no what to do she is coming to my house tomorrow to grab the rest of her stuff, she does not know that i know about her new guy. should i just wait this out and hope for the best or move on and find some one else! i tried the no contact and it lasted 13 days which is today when i found out about the new guy and then i basically begged and pleaded everything you are not supposed to do! she was my everything she was there when my mother past away every hard thing that ever happened in my life she was there to support me and i was there to support her.


And there are intrests that i dont think i will ever find in another woman, we would go downhill mountain biking together lots of hiking and we are both very much into photography, it has been hard the last 4 months i am on steady night shift and she got a new job on days so it was hard to juggle our time around but we defiantly made the best out of our weekends tho.

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Sorry Nick, but if she made such a turn after being with you for 5 years, you should learn that in life you should never say never. You though you knew her - but look at her now, she does what she told you she would never do. Give her the things, stick up to NC and move on. She stabbed you in the back.

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And there are intrests that i dont think i will ever find in another woman, we would go downhill mountain biking together lots of hiking and we are both very much into photography, it has been hard the last 4 months i am on steady night shift and she got a new job on days so it was hard to juggle our time around but we defiantly made the best out of our weekends tho.



Those are GREAT healthy interests and I'm sure you'll have NO TROUBLE finding someone to share them when you're ready for another relationship -- aside from other fun activities a new partner can bring to the table and share with you!


Look, her new boyfriend isn't your concern. Her *entire life* right now is no longer your concern. It sounds like you guys got together when you were really young and she's going through some kind of rebellious phase -- WHATEVER. Leave her to it.


Right now, it's time to put the focus back where it belongs.... off of her and her life and back onto YOU and YOUR healing and moving past this pain.... so you can be free to find someone better for you.


You won't be alone forever. Sooner than you realize you'll have a new girlfriend and best friend for support and best-friendship, to do things with and be there for each other. This relationship with this particular girl has run its course.... you need to try and let it go.


Here's a guide that will help you: link removed


Keep posting -- and good luck!

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To be honest, I doubt if this guy is really "new" at all. Seems a bit suspicious. In any case, don't even THINK of taking her back.


Maybe she sees him as "fun" or maybe it is the novelty of someone new and she'll tire of him but if she did try to come back, as likely as not, She'd be off again.

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