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I know this isn't right but...


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My dad bought a huge, beautiful house out in the "country" with lots of land.


And I'm jealous. I know it isn't right but I can't help my emotions. I'm so jealous that his new "family" and kids are going to hAve the perfect country peaceful life meanwhile I grew up in the ghetto with my parents constantly fighting and my mom doing drugs.


Ugh. Just want to vent.

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Yeah... it doesn't seem fair, does it?


Try not to be jealous. Our life experiences are what shape us into being who we are today. I bet your life experiences have taught you to be street-smart. It has probably taught you what you want and don't want. It has likely stripped you of naivety. It has given you reasons to strive for more.


Living the "good life" comes with its own set of trials and tribulations. But... I agree... it's awfully shiny and I bet that's hard to see from where you are standing at the moment...

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Well - his kids are younger and dependent on him, right? Even if your parents had stayed married and had children a lot younger than you and just happened to have more money later in their marriage and got a big house, would you still be jealous? You are an adult now and its up to you to make something of yourself and buy the big house if you wanted to. He has worked hard and earned being able to upgrade. So its up to you to do the same for yourself in time if that is what you want.

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