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Not much hope for the future

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After 2 failed long term relationships (first one had an affair and second was abusive which I just ended 2 days ago) I feel really negative about the possibility of ever having a successful relationship, getting married etc. I know im also scared of being hurt again or anything going wrong. I feel ill probably never find that true happiness other lucky people find. I dont want to be so pessimistic but I dont know how to change my negative thought processes

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It's normal to feel like this two days after ending a relationship. It just takes time. Whatever the abuse was, take some time to read about why people act like this, it's the best ammunition you can give yourself to spot these types of people at the earliest possible chance you get. You will get and feel better with time.

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Im 27, my first relationship was 4 years and this recent one was over 5 years. He was verbally abusive sometimes and never loved me but Im very loving and caring and wanted to stay for the little good things there were. Ive had a man be really nice to me lately, he seems the opposite of the man Ive just broken up with, although we are just friends, so I know there are good people out there but I still feel Ill never find someone that will wanna stay with me (I know that's mostly my lack of confidence talking)

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