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I caved and checked his response email. This whole time he's been passively rejecting me in the intimacy department, and having secretive, long text conversations on his phone.


He's been role playing out sexual fantasies for other women to help them get off. Women he knows in real life. He sent me a copy of one of the erotic role plays he did for one of them. To prove his innocence.


And he accused me of having trust issues for being upset about all of this. And after he confirmed my fears were true, he called me fear "senseless."


I feel like I'm on the relationship version of Candid Camera right now.

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I didn't even need to read your previous posts to understand the story.

Sorry WeeToad, that is awful, and ... a little creepy.


I'm certain you realize you're dating a real wanker (mind the pun).

I'm also assuming you're not buying any of his responses.


What's more important is ... what 'cha going to do with this?



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Sending a copy of erotic role plays he did for another woman? To prove innocence? That's a good one, lol.


You have every right to be upset about this. I don't think trust issues have anything to do with this and it certainly isn't senseless. Especially since he knows these women in real life! To me that's even worse. Hugs to you.

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Wow, you can only have trust issues when there's anything to trust. I swear, maybe it's just me but a small evil devil on my shoulder is going to tell you that if it's such not a big deal to him then he wouldn't mind if you did the same thing, right? So tell him it's a fabulous idea and ask for some of those role playing scripts. Then tell him you're off to help a few men you know fulfill their fantasies and thank him sweetly for showing you this exciting new adventure you're about to undertake.


Okay, I'm just kidding. Dump the loser already, he's gaslighting you to try and convince you he's not cheating on you and you should just let him keep doing what he's doing. Like I said trust issues are only a real thing if there's something to trust and here there is nothing to trust, nothing to trust at all.

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Ahh Weetoad, hugs, that's awful.

You're dumping him right? You're packing your stuff now, right?

You really should be.


Yes I dumped him. Didn't really know what to say to his response email. I had a weird crying/laughing reaction. It was so bad but so ridiculous at the same time. I just wrote him back telling him he's a douche. That was all my brain could really put forward in the moment.

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It just keeps getting better. He's telling me that he felt obligated to help these women get off, because they used to do the same thing for him, so he 'owed' them. And he's telling me how he's not eating or sleeping because of how much this has shaken him up. I'm just documenting this moment in case I ever feel tempted to take this guy back.

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He's telling me that he felt obligated to help these women get off, because they used to do the same thing for him, so he 'owed' them.


Oh, well that's perfectly logical. Using this logic that means every single one of us who ever got off now "owe" erotic role-play to our exes. So that means if you have any exes you owe them the same as what he did. Seriously, where do they come up with these excuses? Is there some website I don't know about where cheaters can log in and choose excuses, and if there is I want to see it. You deserve so much better, and you deserve someone who at least won't insult your intelligence or worse, reveal the lack of their own by coming up with these cockamamie excuses.


I'm glad you kicked his butt to the curb. Yes, keep his "excuses" in a little paper and read them whenever you feel tempted to take his sorry butt back. This is one of those scenarios where really all you can do is tell him to shut up now and quit before he REALLY puts his foot in it. Not that he hasn't already irreparably done so.

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It just keeps getting better. He's telling me that he felt obligated to help these women get off, because they used to do the same thing for him, so he 'owed' them. And he's telling me how he's not eating or sleeping because of how much this has shaken him up. I'm just documenting this moment in case I ever feel tempted to take this guy back.


Goodness, please don't! His logic makes no sense. He should be embarrassed by his pathetic excuses. His obligation should have been to YOU! Period! No-one is obligated to anyone sexually just because they have a sexual past and I am sure, at the time, they were getting something from it too (as they want to again now). He makes it sound all so one way all the time.


Incidentally, he engages in sexual role play with these women and he is seriously trying to say he gets nothing from it???? Wowsers!

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