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ok well if u have read any of my other posts u probably know wats going on.. but i went out with this kid that i lost my virginity to 4 times.. and we just recently broke up and i mean like 4 days ago.. and the reason was because i was really drunk and he tried to take advantage of me and i always think hes using me for sex.. and i dont want to be just a "booty call" cuz i do love him and i dont know cuz there is this guy in the picture now and hes been but i mean ive known him for like a yr now and we were gonna go out and stuff but i wasnt ready for a long term relationship and now i am and we kissed and stuff and my ex b/f didnt like that but we werent together so its not really cheating rite?.. but any ways my bestfriend heather told me to move on cuz she kinda got my point but 2 mins ago she called me and was like i think u should get back together wit ur ex.. and i was like u kno he uses me for sex y would u say that and shes like yous make the cutest couple.. and shes like yous are great together.. but i cant keep up with him i dont trust him and i dont want to worry everytime im not with him i dont want to always worry about who hes with and stuff and idk im so0 confused SOME ONE PLEASE HELP!? =( should i get back with him ?? i really wanna see what happens with this other kid cuz i do like him alot.. and i think my ex already moved on it seems like he doesnt care any more.. there also wasnt any communication in our relationship and im sorry if this is confusin but i need help and i needed to get it all out i would l reallllllyy love if some one could help thanks love always h34rtbr0k3n

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Well..first off, you had sex because you wanted to, otherwise, its known as rape. So dont use the excuse you were drunk, trust me, I know from expirience that its not good. But at any case, this does sound like a booty call. My opinion is to stay single until you figure out what you really want. Talk to this kid about what you are feeling and see his opinion on it also. Tell your ex to kiss your AS S!

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if you say you don't trust him, stick with that feeling and don't get back together with him.

i know the 'when i was your age' comments are not ones you may want to hear, but i had sex for the first time when i had just turned 15 with a guy who i "thought" loved me, and after many years of reflection on what it has meant to my dating life since, it was not worth it to stay in the kind of relationship with him that i did.

above all, make sure to always do what is respectful to yourself.

if you felt he was taking advantage of you, then he probably was and you had a right to feel that way.

though it is confusing to hear what friends say and may make you think twice about whether you will be with someone, you just need to listen to yourself

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