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Who's baby is my gf carrying?


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She hadn't been on the pill for several months but she had a 2 week supply left.

She started taking them when her period started, the 26th of oct. She slept with him 7 days later on the 2nd of nov, he did ejaculate during intercorse.

She slept with me 6 days later, 13 days into her cycle, on the 8th of nov, before I even found out about him. I did not ejaculate during intercorse.

She had intended to obtain a supply of the pill before running out but never went to the clinic so i presume she ran out on the 9th of nov, two weeks after she started taking them.


I know nothing is certain by a long shot but does someone know, from a medical point of view, who she is more likely to now be pregnant by?

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Um, well, if she had not been on pills for months and only started taking them again those two weeks, they would of been fairly ineffective (obviously, since she is pregnant). Generally it takes 7+ days of regular pill taking to be protected, but whenever someone starts the pill after a break (or for first time) double protection is advised as pill won't be working properly yet throughout the month.


Honestly, since the pill likely was not working properly it could be either of yours...sperm lives for a few days too in the body, so who knows. Only way to know for sure will be with a paternity test. Chances are his might be higher since he ejaculated and the sperm could of hung around a bit until she ovulated. But could also be yours if you had sperm in your pre-cum as that would be around "typical" ovulation time. But every woman is different and does not ovulate always "typically".

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I'm afraid it could be either of you. You'll have to wait until the baby is born and have a paternity test done to make sure who the father is.


Do you know for certain that she is pregnant? I didn't see that in your post so I'm curious if you are just guessing that she is pregnant...

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Well..you know what, I agree witht he poster before. You can not be properly protected against pregnacy without being on the pill for at least a month. And the both of you should have used more than that as protection. There is almost no possible way of figuring out whos kid it is unless you get a paternaty test when it's born.

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Yes she is definitely pregnant, shes 4 weeks late and she did a test, the result was positive.


We've talked about it and it seems pretty certain that there isn't going to be a baby.


I feel terrible to say it but under the circumstances I think this the best option, rather than risk having a baby that isn't even mine especially in a relationship that im not sure will last after she slept with someone else.


I really just wanted to know about the time of ovulation, I guess I'll never know for sure whos baby she's terminating

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This is a tough one. And like the others have said, there's no way of knowing until you can take paternity tests.


In my opinion, there's no reason to know. Unless this other guy is still in the picture. You can be a father to this child, even if you aren't the actual father. Being a father is more than just helping create a child. Its being there for them and loving them and being a good role model. Thats what a father is.


Of course, its difficult since she did sleep with someone else. I can see why you wouldn't last with her. She really doesn't deserve you.


Whatever you choose is your choice. I'm against abortion, but I believe people have a right to do what they want. Just remember there's always adoption, lots of parents who can't have their own children are dying to have a child they can be parents to. Just think about it.

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