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Feeling inadequate


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I have been with my bf for 4 yrs, we were FWB before that. He is the best sexual partner I've had except one thing bothers me , I have yet to make him cum by oral. He said he's never came that way ever. I really want to be the first to do this but I feel like I can't, because I had my jaw broken 5 yrs ago. Well I feel like that's why I can't do it right , my jaw gets sore and sometimes feels like it's going to lock. I used to be the best at it, well that's what I was told. Now I feel bad that I can't please my man that way.

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Ya oral may just not be for him.


I also broke my jaw years ago, and also get that lock-jaw type feeling so I get why you may feel insecure about your ability, but all you can do is trust what he says and if he isn't complaining about your technique and isn't giving you pointers on how to please him then you will have to just trust that it isn't about you, but is about him.

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Lots of guys can't finish just from oral, contrary to what porn depicts.


Your lady bits are typically a lot tighter than your mouth.


My only tip would be to give his "boys" some gentle love with your hand while your doing it.


Erm, that was really awkward to type. But yeah lmao

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