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I professed my love to my bf early into our relationship. I was going through a serious health issue 2 weeks into us dating and instead of running from me, he stayed by my side and encouraged me to not give up and to always stay positive. We both knew that my condition would affect us both and it came with great risks, but he told me that it was not a good enough reason for him not to want to be with me despite its severity.


I couldn't help but fall in love with him because he is just so accepting and he was my strength through it all. When I told him that I love him, he didn't say anything back but asked me to be patient and he'll let me know in his own way.


It's been a while since I've said it and he still has yet to say anything of that sort to me even though we've been through a lot and I know that he truly does care for me. He asked me to come with him on a long trip back to his hometown to meet his mom and usually, this wouldn't happen unless he's serious about his relationship, so I was very happy to have him ask me to come with him.


Anyways, to make this story short, he's done a lot of things to show me that he cares, he knows that I love him, and I feel like there were moments when he felt the same way, but he doesn't verbalize it. He still says things like "I really like you" or "I care for you" etc. I guess with some people, it's harder to say the L word? I'm not used to being the first one to say it and I guess having to wait so long without him saying it has gotten me curious as to how men love. So.. how do men love? What do they expect/desire?

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eh, i mean, things sound like they are good if they are moving forward in a good fashion and he is now introducing you to his family. i wouldn't force him to say anything because it won't be as genuine as if he had said it of his own free will. but if he is good to you, planning dates, introducing you to his family, it all sounds very positive to me.

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