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Best time for sex – Preferred by females ???


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I want to know which is most preferable time for females to have sex. Is it something like morning erection for female also?

My wife is a working lady and she gets tired after the day work. My kids go to bed after 11 pm and we left with a very little time for sex. Whenever I approach to my wife, I feel she is too tired and taking rest is her first preferences. I have more sex drive and I always prefer to have sex before going to sleep. When I check up in the early morning, I use to feel her vagina is wet but I am little bit confused here – is it because of something like morning erection in men which comes by own and unintentional??? And whether females like to have sex during such arousal.

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When women are going thru their cycle...sometimes they are just more naturally wetter than other times....probably ovulating....


My LEAST favorite time is in the morning...i'm tired, i'm not horny, morning breath, no makeup, i don't feel sexy...and the list goes on and on...but hey, when i was with ex....I NEVER turned down sex...not once. Come to think of it, i did half of the initiating...hmmmmm....


Can't those dang kids go to bed before 11? What about afternoons on weekends?


I remember when i was a little kid, a few times mom told us that she and dad were gonna take a 'nap' so don't wake them up. It wasn't til YEARS later that i figured out what the 'nap' was... :stupid:

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I always set time aside, Friday evenings into Saturday morning. Once a week and I never broke it. Seemed to satisfy the both of us and made the week fly by. If we had company or needed privacy, I took the time to find a nice hotel and she seemed to like the arrangement. All about making your time with her relaxing and enjoyable, sex is just a byproduct.

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I want to know which is most preferable time for females to have sex.

We are not like animals. We don't go into heat based on a certain time of a day, month, etc. It varies upon the individual.


For me, I will not be intimate if I am exhausted from work, have multiple things to do, and especially if my man does not show affection.


If your wife gets tired at the end of the day, maybe of can help her with chores and things around the house. Maybe make dinner or set and clear the table for dinner. Do the dishes, vacuum, etc.

This. I would love this as a woman if a man helped out. It gets things done quicker and more time for us.



My kids go to bed after 11 pm and we left with a very little time for sex.

Unfortunately, kids do impact your sex life. As a parent though, you are always in charge of your household. Mandate a bedtime curfew. Unless your children are adults, they should be in bed 9:30-10 pm by the latest (and earlier on school nights). Set them into a routine of going to bed earlier (and not by 11 pm), enforce it, and be consistent as possible. If they don't like it... tough luck. They need appropriate sleep time for their health and you and your wife need some downtime for your relationship. My parents didn't have sex until they were sure that the kids were asleep and bedtime was a house rule for me to abide by. Something to think about.


Other ways my parent got around it was to encourage me to go have a sleepover at a friend's OR "sleeping in the basement" with a TV (we lived in a 3-floor townhouse). As a kid, I saw it as a huge treat to watch TV late at night or play video games... for my parents, it gave THEM intimate privacy.

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My sister is always saying how one of the girls got into their bed again and again and again or that she went to their room after the kid climbed into their bed. It seems every f'n night they have one or both of their young girls come into bed. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?


I don't think any of myself or my three sisters got out of bed for any reason when we were kids.

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Actually, i've heard we do kinda go into heat....at least that's what i've READ! Supposedly we're 'hornier' during certain times! I never experienced it.


I was NEVER horny with ex husband..... Just wish i had another chance to 'experience' it!


But it certainly isn't a morning woody type of thing......gee...that just means you gotta pee...doesn't it?

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I want to know which is most preferable time for females to have sex. Is it something like morning erection for female also?

My wife is a working lady and she gets tired after the day work. My kids go to bed after 11 pm and we left with a very little time for sex. Whenever I approach to my wife, I feel she is too tired and taking rest is her first preferences. I have more sex drive and I always prefer to have sex before going to sleep. When I check up in the early morning, I use to feel her vagina is wet but I am little bit confused here – is it because of something like morning erection in men which comes by own and unintentional??? And whether females like to have sex during such arousal.


I'm usually most aroused right before bed... I usually take a shower before I go to sleep, and I like being cuddled up, warm in bed. My boyfriend likes morning sex, and thinks I do too, because I'm wet of a morning. I don't mind it but it's not my most interested time, I guess.


I don't suddenly get wet of a morning, I think it happens during the night while I'm asleep. Totally unintentional.

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If your kids are going to bed at 11pm, they can probably be unsupervised for a while. Send them to the movies or to a friends house, and make some "alone" time for you and your wife. To be honest, if I was a mom who also worked full time, the last thing I would want to do at 11pm is have sex.


My favourite time to have sex is before bed, just after I shower - but at like 9pm, so I have enough time to still get a good night's sleep.

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We tried our best that our kids should go to bed before 10 pm but it is not working. We have to force them to do so. I too do not want to be too harsh to them and to my wife also. We are an orthodox family and getting anything in family by force by me looks like selfishness. I am looking for something where there should be win-win for all and it should be most convenient for all. Being head of family, I can force them for whatever I want but it does not look good. I do not want to restrict my sexual desires up to weekends.i would like to know that how to know about female arousal if she is sleeping without disturbing her.Other way is- i should ask her openly but there are chances that she may ready only to oblige me because of her commitment and looks like subservient wife and leads to something in the line of obligatory sex that i want to avoid.


I would like to appreciate for good advises from forum members. I do agree with the forum members and try doing something on that line.

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You say you want to avoid her having sex out of obligation like a "subservient wife", but you also say "I'm the head of the family so I can make them do whatever I want". Maybe she doesn't want to have sex because you are too demanding and act like you are the higher person in the relationship. Marriages are an equal partnership, and it doesn't sound like you view it that way. Sex is just one part of a relationship - maybe if you try fixing the other areas where your wife might be unhappy, the sex will fall into place.

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Why do they need to stay up as late as 11 pm? They don't and they sound very spoiled.


Yes, my kids had to be in their rooms by 9:00 pm and were permitted to read for awhile. It's important to teach them that they need rest in order to do well in school. Also, it gives the parents some "adult" time before they need to get some rest (and it sounds like your wife is tired!)

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Personally I love a little afternoon delight, when possible. It's my absolute favorite time for sex because I'm not tired or worried about getting up the next morning, I'm full of energy, the natural lighting is awesome, and sex in the afternoon has a bit of a "naughty" feel which drives me wild. Setting aside time for it on weekends or whenever might make you both feel special and sexy.

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"Personally I love a little afternoon delight, when possible. It's my absolute favorite time for sex because I'm not tired or worried about getting up the next morning, I'm full of energy, the natural lighting is awesome, and sex in the afternoon has a bit of a "naughty" feel which drives me wild. Setting aside time for it on weekends or whenever might make you both feel special and sexy."


definitely agree with all that! some chill time and then lets cook dinner

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