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How do I get rid of a man


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He wants to get rid of me and I want to get rid of him. However, divorce is not working for now because of some financial stuff. He can stay away from me but I don't have a job and I can't stay away from him. Afer everything we have to sleep together and talk to eachother like a husband and wife. He doesn't like my looks neither does he desire me. I don't care.


Anyway, he gets tons of women and he gets to go out, etc.. i can't due to financial problems. I have to keep him in my head and sleep with him while he is having fun. How do I end everything with him? I can't spend another year with him. Ignore him. How do I ignore him when he knows well I like him? I hate him.Most difficult man in my life. Maybe I go back to college and forget about him, God willing. But how do I get him out of ymself ? I sleep with him. Just sleep not have relations.

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Rose, you need to secretly start to collect financial information to protect yourself. He may be stashing money away right under your nose. You are married, so you are entitled to 1/2 of your joint property, depending on the laws where you live.


Make a copy of the latest bank statements, credit card bills, the last property tax statements, retirement accounts and IRAs, pensions, last 2 years of tax filings, Life insurance, Safe Deposit boxes and contents, legal description of any property or land you own, documentation on collections (like coin or stamp), any business interests, a list of vehicles owned, securities, and any statement of net worth that you might have compiled when applying for a loan. Take all of this to a lawyer, and they can guide you through this. There is no reason you should be held captive in your own marriage and home!

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Thank you. I am trying my best to find a job. Family, my situation is not suitable for them, it is not convenient for them. They do not care about my problems. I can respect that. "Take care of your own mess." It would get me in more trouble rather than help me.


If I do not get a job, I will have to go to homless shelter. This week I will find out if Target has hired me.


As for financial stuff, thanks for the advice. I keep record of all that.


Depending fianncially on him hurts. I do not know what to do. He keep s controlling me with what I wear, even with what I eat!!!


The other problem, when I sleep he seduces me.

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If there is any abuse, you may want to consider seeking a woman's resource center or similar place.


I am really disturbed by "The other problem, when I sleep he seduces me." Are you a willing partner or is he forcing himself on you? If the later is the case you need to leave and seek shelter with a woman's resource center and file a police report. You must protect yourself. I really wish you the best.

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Yeah. I am Muslim. He is nothing in belief. He bothers me for wearing Islamic clothes. I felt like he did not care about me. he never felt jealous of other men talking to me, online or otherwise. He didn't care that other men look at my body. he tells me to go out with my guy friends!! What kind of a guy shares his wife?


I mean. I like him, but its obvious he doesn't like me. He loves all his girlfriends more than me. He is tired of me, I get it. he is with me just because he feels sorry for me, and no one pities me! But I can't find a job and I can't go to my family. he doesn't say anything about divorce, and does feel sad for me. So, no he isn't stealing my money. he has not filled for divorce yet. i can't have children etc...


I hate him though. He does seduce me because he comes close to me in bed. I do not want to start liking him. I'm over with him. But his manners, my god!!! Insoportable. He abuses me mentally. hurts more than physical torture.


I have been with him 2 years. I need to go to homless shelter because the more lonely I am , the more he interacts with me. And I fall into traps.


i'll wait for a job and file divorce. If nothing, I'll go to homless shelter and then get a job and rent appartment. I am turning 22 so i have a future ahead of me.



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