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The most humilating experience of my life :(

dark angel9

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Look, don't over-think this. The guy couldn't ejaculate, got embarrassed and removed himself from the situation to save face. Don't go over-blaming him but certainly don't blame yourself. This was one night when things went pear-shaped but it's not the end of the world, nor should it mean you humiliate yourself. Get some perspective on this and don't let it damage your self-esteem. This was far more about him than about you.

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The fact that he couldn't cum, does that mean that I am really unattractive ?




As a man I can say there are a million reasons why you can aim and load, but not be able to pull the trigger. Nervousness being #1, but trying too hard to please you for too long is another--you mentioned sex for over an hour--for me once I get passed a certain point of friction/motion it's basically become numb (this is even more true with a condom) and it doesn't matter what happens, that rocket is on the launch pad pointed straight up to the sky but the engine will not fire. What's sad is that if he'd have gone back to foreplay for 30 mins or so I bet it would have been fine.


...another possibility... he might have taken a viagra or something and freaked himself out thinking something was wrong.


As for leaving... that's just a ******* thing to do if he likes really you, but depending on his personality he might have freaked out... I would consider a second chance if he comes clean about feeling scared or embarrassed.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's not you, if it had been he wouldn't have tried for an hour or gone on 5 dates with you. I would say maybe there was something going on with him and when he couldn't (ahem) finish he got embarrassed and upset and self-conscious. Honestly, he's probably feeling just as humiliated right now, if not more. It could be for a number of reasons ranging from a new medication to he decided to uh, help himself before your date so he wouldn't finish too early to maybe too much to drink the night before to who knows. He must've felt horrible especially since he had already been pushing for the two of you to have sex and likely he now thinks that you think he's a loser. This may or may not be something he can recover from unfortunately since some individuals don't gracefully handle disappointments or awkwardness in or out of the bedroom.

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