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Ex from long ago is a friend, but never "likes" my pictures on FB.


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I found my ex from 20 years ago on Facebook and we became friends. I "liked" many of his pictures and his kid pictures, because it's not a big deal for me to press the "Like" button.

I also post pics of myself and my kids on FB, but he never "liked" any of them. He "likes" some statuses I post and links, but never pictures... I am married and he is divorced. The breakup 20 years ago was my fault, but his idea.


I see no issues with "liking" his pictures, because to me he is like a friend now (well, at least if I still have some feeling for him, he doesn't know about them, because I haven't expressed any). Then why can't he "like" my pictures, it has been 20 years after all... And he always "likes" other people pics.


Also, when I spoke to him I told him: "You look great!" His response was: "Thanks, your kids are adorable!" Is he trying to tell me that I don't look good anymore? Or is there anything else?


Why on earth couldn't he respond "You also look great!"

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People are gonna do what they are gonna do and aren't always going to do things that you expect them to just because you expect them to - those things may not ever enter their mind. Don't take it so personal. Its like your complimenting him for the sole purpose of expecting a compliment back. Which he has complimented you but it's not the one you want so your getting mad over it.


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You really need to back off from this guy. I read your post earlier about thinking about wanting to have sex with him even though you're married.


You sound like a very nice woman, but unfortunately seem tormented immensely by your desire to relive the past. Focus that energy on yourself, your children and husband and work on making your family unit happy xxx

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Its like your complimenting him for the sole purpose of expecting a compliment back. Which he has complimented you but it's not the one you want so your getting mad over it.



You are a mind reader, ha? I sincerely compliment people when I like them and not because I expect compliments back. And I am not mad at all, lol. But you know what? You partially answered my question. This is what he also thought, I bet. Insecure men who think that the only reason a woman would compliment them is to get a compliment back...

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You are a mind reader, ha? I sincerely complement people when I like them and not because I expect compliments back. And I am not mad at all. But you know what? You partially answered my question. This is what he also thought, I bet. Insecure men who think that the only reason a woman would compliment you is to get a complement back...


Err...except you WERE expecting a compliment back. Hence why you asked the question to begin with.

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You are a mind reader, ha? I sincerely compliment people when I like them and not because I expect compliments back. And I am not mad at all, lol. But you know what? You partially answered my question. This is what he also thought, I bet. Insecure men who think that the only reason a woman would compliment them is to get a compliment back...


Why post on here if you're going to be *****ty about every comment you receive back? I'd say 80% of people on here found this website after going through relationship breakdowns or problems, and therefore will not be supportive about you having thoughts about extra marital activities. I just posted a half supportive comment to you, but after reading your sarcastic responses, I guess you're more than capable for looking out for yourself.

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Why post on here if you're going to be *****ty about every comment you receive back? I'd say 80% of people on here found this website after going through relationship breakdowns or problems, and therefore will not be supportive about you having thoughts about extra marital activities. I just posted a half supportive comment to you, but after reading your sarcastic responses, I guess you're more than capable for looking out for yourself.


You seem to be a very judgemental and shallow person.

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Aren't you like in your forties? A bit late to be concerned about who likes your pictures on Facebook, in my opinion. Also, retract the claws -- asking for advice and getting aggro when you don't like what people have to say is exceedingly immature.


My age should not matter to you. Women need to feel attractive at any age. But since we starting a witch hunt here, I am leaving. Chase someone else! BYE!

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