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Don't want to hurt his feelings


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This is the first time I'm posting in here, I was in the break up forum for years as I was dealing with an on off relationship which finally ended for good 3 months ago.


Anyway, a few months ago I met this guy, as a friend.


He's a year younger than me and we speak everyday, as friends. I think he has always liked me a little, but we only spoke as friends as he knew I was getting over a break up. Anyway, we didn't see eachother for a while (months) as we were always busy and because we spoke so much I think I thought maybe it might be something more.


Anyway, I met up with him last night and although I had a great time with him, I kind of realised for sure that he is physically not my type to take it any further. I said goodnight and went home.


Now he's been texting me all day saying how much he likes me and I just don't know what to say Don't want to loose his friendship. Help ENA I feel like a huge

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Your apprehension has absolutely nothing to do with his feelings. That is the Ego projecting. You simply don't want to be viewed in a negative manner. Own your decisions objectively and set yourself free.


For the love of God though don't lead him into a friendship thing with a word track.


One text.


"I have decided that I do not want to pursue things beyond the platonic level."

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You have to be direct, you like the attention of a guy liking and wanting you but it is not fair on him. Just imagine how you would feel if this was the other way around and a guy led you on because he liked the attention.


Just tell him you want to stay as friends.

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Please be direct. It's not fair to keep him dangling.


All you have to say is "I really value our friendship but I'm just not feeling a spark. I'm sorry."


ESPECIALLY if he is a friend. He'll realise you're not into him eventually. Drag it out and he's going to feel like a bit of a berk.

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Anyway, a few months ago I met this guy, as a friend.


but we only spoke as friends as he knew I was getting over a break up.


He would only know if you were just friends if you told him you were just friends. And if you did make it clear early he wouldn't be hitting on you, and you wouldn't have to worry about 'having your cake and eating too'. Cut him lose now. You've had your fun.

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I was heartbroken310......

I told him anyway and he was upset for one day but now seems happy being friends

I also had a horrible unexpected with my ex which made me realise although i'm getting over my ex i'm not quite over the hurt so need a bit more time alone.


That's not strictly true, is it - if this guy was more attractive, you wouldn't need another second to get over your ex.


The ridiculous thing is that if this guy went out and got a stunning new girl, you (by your own admission) would end up jealous and probably re-develop feelings for him. It's messed up, but so typical of women. You all want "the prize".

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That's not strictly true, is it - if this guy was more attractive, you wouldn't need another second to get over your ex.


The ridiculous thing is that if this guy went out and got a stunning new girl, you (by your own admission) would end up jealous and probably re-develop feelings for him. It's messed up, but so typical of women. You all want "the prize".


I think you might be blinded by your own bitterness towards women.


He's not her type physically. It's her right to move on.

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Bitter? I'm in love and living with an amazing girl. Doesn't mean I won't call someone out on BS.


I am so bad at being direct. I do want us to stay friends and I do quite like him liking me. I guess I want my cake and to eat it to, I would not like it if he had a GF, I really am a terrible person lol
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