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Physical attraction and sex


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So I'm sure this topic has been debated before, but I was discussing this with one of my friends the other night...she insists that a man has to be physically attracted to a woman in order to have sex with her....I disagree, I think that is not true, especially if it has been a while since they have had sex.


So what do you guys think? I'd especially like to get some male opinions here....Do men have to be physically attracted to a woman in order to have sex with her?

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Sure, if a man has not had sex for a while, his definition of "attractive woman" may change (i.e. be lower). But why should he have sex with someone he does not find attractive at all?


My answer is; Yes of course I need to be physically attracted to a woman before having sex with her. My definition of attractive may be different (and wider) than some other males. And she may thus not be a beauty queen. But still she is attractive to me in some way.

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Men are more strict about physical attraction than women. Some men would jump off a plane to have sex with a decent looking women despite her being super-shy as if she never talked a day in her life, insecure that she keeps saying shes ugly, yet a women might not do the same with a man, since certain behavior classifies the man as a WEAK man, which could create the imagery of weak sex with a man who is less of a male.

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Hmmm.... I disagree... I think that there are many guys who would have sex with someone they find to not be attractive so long as there is something to gain from it. Like those young guys that get with old rich ladies... not the norm, but sure happens.

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I personally don't have to be physically attracted to a woman to have sex with them. I would prefer to be, but it isn't necessary. I can think of two specifically where I had an itch and it needed scratching and they lent a hand. Not my proudest moments. Only one of them was after a dryspell.

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Do men have to be physically attracted to a woman in order to have sex with her?


Based soley upon some the stories I've been told by men, the answer is "no", some men don't. Particulary if there is alcohol involved in any way. (Seems to work in reverse too, with some women).


"Beer Goggles" are all too common for both sexes.

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I have male friends who have had sex with women they didn't find attractive. They just have to get an erection and the feeling of sex and sexual touch can override visual input. Not all men function like that but for I don't think it's uncommon especially if the guy is young or drunk or horny.

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Are you talking about desire to have a sex or just "would they?" Because if it's just would they, then yeah there are too many examples. But if we're talking about actually wanting to do it with a girl and having the hots, then for the most part yeah I agree that they need to be physically attracted. But come to think of it there are also many people that do it with someone just because they're so starved for it. Hmmm.

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I know some guys whose only requirement is a working vagina. Usually those are guys who have trouble getting good looking girls to have sex with them, so they settle for ones whose faces, bodies, etc. they really don't like just because they want their you know what in a vagina. Or if a girl they don't find physically attractive is just conveniently 'there' and ready and willing, like at a party, they'll go for that, but they probably wouldn't have sex with that particular girl if they had to make an effort to contact her.

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In my case I MUST be attracted to a girl in order to hold her hand let alone kiss her. If I'm horny, and I have the option b/w my han and a girl I do not find to be attractive I will choose my hand. Since I can't always get the girls I find most attractive I will settle for a girl as long as I at east find her cute.




d have sex with a rich old woman though as a ''job'' lol

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Ok so for those of you who are saying you would sleep with a girl you weren't attracted to, would this girl have to be sort of throwing herself at you? Or would you put some kind of effort to get her into bed with you? In other words.... you're out, you find yourself talking to a girl who you're not particularly attracted to, are you still going to put forth the effort that night to get her to sleep with you (considering its been a while for you)? Would you compliment her physical appearance, or would you not feel comfortable doing that? Or would you just rather go home and take care of it yourself lol?


I guess what I'm trying to ask in a nutshell, is how hard would you try to have sex with a woman you're not attracted to?

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Ok so for those of you who are saying you would sleep with a girl you weren't attracted to, would this girl have to be sort of throwing herself at you? Or would you put some kind of effort to get her into bed with you? In other words.... you're out, you find yourself talking to a girl who you're not particularly attracted to, are you still going to put forth the effort that night to get her to sleep with you (considering its been a while for you)? Would you compliment her physical appearance, or would you not feel comfortable doing that? Or would you just rather go home and take care of it yourself lol?


I guess what I'm trying to ask in a nutshell, is how hard would you try to have sex with a woman you're not attracted to?


I know i'm not a guy, but they're going to pretend to have sex someone else.


Hence, "imagination."


Unless he has some integrity and values, he's not going to do that.


But if he doesn't, he's not going to care either way.

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So what do you guys think? I'd especially like to get some male opinions here....Do men have to be physically attracted to a woman in order to have sex with her?


By that logic, why wouldn't straight guys want to sleep with men occasionally? I mean, they have no attraction to them so why not?


Clearly it doesn't work that way. Vast majority of people need some element of attraction in order to act out sexually.

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By that logic, why wouldn't straight guys want to sleep with men occasionally? I mean, they have no attraction to them so why not?

Clearly it doesn't work that way. Vast majority of people need some element of attraction in order to act out sexually.


Actually I read an article about this long time ago.


Some do it because they are porn stars. Or have to get money in some ways.


But straight men do sleep with other men for various reasons.

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Actually I read an article about this long time ago.


Some do it because they are porn stars. Or have to get money in some ways.


But straight men do sleep with other men for various reasons.


I didn't say it never happens. Having sex as a job (porn) is one thing. There's no doubt that most people could physically "go through the motions", so to speak, without having attraction. It's just that I suspect it's much more rare than the OP thinks it is.

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Purely sex. There has to be some physical attraction. Even if just a little bit. If the opportunity presented itself, then yeah. If a girl came up to me and said DTF? and it's gonna be discreet and I'm able to get an erection from her, I'd probably go for it.


If I haven't had sex in a while, will I have sex with someone I have zero attraction to? Even if she came up to me and was like DTF? I don't think I could do it. She's gotta be pretty ugly if I can't find her even remotely attractive. Honestly, not a lot of girls fall into this category but I know a few who do and even if they offered to pay me and we were gonna keep it discreet I couldn't go through with it.


how hard would you try to have sex with a woman you're not attracted to?


Even if I were just remotely attracted to her, I wouldn't bother to put in any effort. They'll have to come to me for it.

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LOL, yet we all label ourselves as nice girls or nice guys when our past relationships go wrong when actually we are jerks about it as well to people who we are not attracted to and decided to treat them as "nothing."


What a lovely society we are living in.

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By that logic, why wouldn't straight guys want to sleep with men occasionally? I mean, they have no attraction to them so why not?


Clearly it doesn't work that way. Vast majority of people need some element of attraction in order to act out sexually.


But even if the guy isn't attracted to the woman, she has the right "parts." Another guy does not.

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But even if the guy isn't attracted to the woman, she has the right "parts." Another guy does not.


Um let's play this right shall we?


A woman has a mouth. CHECK.


A man has a mouth. CHECK


A woman has a butt. CHECK


A man has a butt. CHECK


There is only one difference. I'm pretty sure we all know what it is on ENA.


So yeah, a straight guy can have sex with other men without having any physical attraction to the person/emotional connection due to circumstances or fetishes.

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women taste lie candy..men don't.

Um let's play this right shall we?


A woman has a mouth. CHECK.


A man has a mouth. CHECK


A woman has a butt. CHECK


A man has a butt. CHECK


There is only one difference. I'm pretty sure we all know what it is on ENA.


So yeah, a straight guy can have sex with other men without having any physical attraction to the person/emotional connection due to circumstances or fetishes.

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yet we all label ourselves as nice girls or nice guys when our past relationships go wrong when actually we are jerks about it as well to people who we are not attracted to and decided to treat them as "nothing."

LOL, very true.


I couldn't have sex with a woman I wasn't attracted to, but that's a very small percentage of the female community.

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But even if the guy isn't attracted to the woman, she has the right "parts." Another guy does not.


And that means there's attraction to those "parts". That's the difference. The attraction is what makes them "right", not the other way around.


Again, I agree that people can have sex with people they have zero attraction to. Porn is an example of that. But casually speaking, most people are dictated by attractions.

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So I'm sure this topic has been debated before, but I was discussing this with one of my friends the other night...she insists that a man has to be physically attracted to a woman in order to have sex with her....I disagree, I think that is not true, especially if it has been a while since they have had sex.


So what do you guys think? I'd especially like to get some male opinions here....Do men have to be physically attracted to a woman in order to have sex with her?



Some men do, not all men.


I've met women that were just slightly at the mark of average but found myself feeling a strong chemistry and connection that in my mind and if I was an opportunist, sex wouldn't have been off the table.

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