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Gratitude Journal

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1) Bought extra firewood in December. I thought it I was getting a head start on next year's supply, but I'll be using it this season instead. It's been a cold one.


2) My hot shower. It may not look like anything extraordinary, but it's delivers a great hot shower.


3) My siblings, all 3.


4) Apples with almond butter. Mmmm.


5) My car, still going strong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grateful for all those who came before me, who paved the way, who made it possible for me to be alive. When I was young, I took my life for granted, took my relatives for granted, thought "kin" didn't really have much to do with me, I didn't know them, I wasn't like them. My perspective has changed with the years. No doubt they had good times and bad, struggles and challenges and heartbreaks and disappointments. But they carried on, lived life, and raised children, made homes, families, at least one of each generation, or I wouldn't be here. And they passed on positive qualities and values as well, or I wouldn't be who I am.


Grateful for today's beautiful Spring weather. Winter is letting go, and the vibrance of Spring is in the air.


Grateful for tonight's starry sky, sliver moon, and peaceful beauty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey yes you are right RN, I was at an outdoor cafe the other day early in the morning and this young guy was picking things off the ground nearby. he didn't see me at first, and the. I realise he was licking up cigarette butts off the ground. He had a backpack, and when he got closer, I saw that he had sores all over his face. I asked him if he would like some cigarettes and he said yes and was very grateful and then hurried away quickly. As soon as he was gone, I wished that I had offered to buy him breakfast. he looked late 20's but was probably younger, just would look older from poor health. Made me feel very grateful for myself, but sad for him. if I. Ever see him again, I will offer to buy breakfast or lunch or whatever.

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