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I have chlamydia should I tell my new girlfriend

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My new girlfriend and I have been talking about having sex for the first time in our relationship. She's a virgin and being cautious wanted me to get a STD test beforehand. It's been a couple years since i've had one and wanted to get it also. So I got a call this afternoon from my doctor and they told me I had chlamydia. I guess i've had it for at least 2 years and had no idea. So next Tuesday I'm going to get the shot and treatment.


Should I even tell her that I have it since its easily curable and just wait a couple more weeks to have sex? We've only fooled around with no intercourse and I don't want her to freak about me having it or thinking that she has it also. It's a tough call for me so I was wondering what someone elses opinions were.



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Well ask your doctor if there's a possibility chlamydia can be transmitted through oral sex or any other "non-intercourse" sexual activity. if there's a possibility, you should tell her so she can get tested.

If not, then yeah just wait a couple of weeks until your doctor confirms it's safe.

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No don't tell her, and yes wait a couple of weeks until your cured.


No point freaking the poor girl out, it might scar her for life!


If that'll scar her life, you can just imagine how much MORE scarred, when she gets tested and sees he's given her chlamydia.Surprise!


OP, you need to tell her. This is bigger than you. This is about her HEALTH. She deserves to know, especially since its curable.

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It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you are 100% cured before you have sex with her. As a previous poster mentioned, chlamydia can cause infertility in women (not in men), without symptoms in 75% of the cases. So your girlfriend probably would never know she is infected if you were not to tell her, but only years from now could possibly find out she is infirtile and left wondering how and when that happened.


There is a chance that she is already infected, too, through oral sex (yes, chlamydia can be transmitted through oral sex too).


So here's what you have to do:

Take your meds and wait 1 more week after finishing the meds before having sex. Tell her that you have it and that she might have it too (if she gave you oral). There's only a small chance, but SHE HAS TO HAVE A CHECK-UP (which means a vaginal swab or urine test) with your doctor to exclude that she has it.


Don't worry, if you guys do this now, there's not going to be any negative consequence. But make sure she goes to the doctor to get tested. Good luck.

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If that'll scar her life, you can just imagine how much MORE scarred she'll be when she finds out he's given her chlamydia. Surprise!


OP, you need to tell her. She deserves to know, especially since its curable.


Why tell her? And scare her the bejeesus out of her? for what? They havn't even done anything, and he can be cured. Since they are not having sex, his chlamydia problem isn't hers.

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Okay, if there hasn't been any anal, vaginal or oral sex you seem to be safe. Ask your doctor to make sure. Then all you have to do is take your meds and ask your doctor when you get the green light for having sex. Telling her now won't be necessary then, as you might scare her off for no reason.

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Ask your doctor. If during those few minutes you haven't been to or close to her vagina or anus, the risk is probably close to zero.


As the previous poster mentioned: contact the last women you had sex with. One of them (at least) has chlamydia, and you might indeed save them from a whole lot of trouble later on. Awkward, but worth it.

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I would do both - TELL her you have been diagnosed, tell her what the treatment is and how long it may take, and WAIT until not only you THINK you are cured, but when the doctor rechecks you and gives you the green light, and THEN wait a little while. Don't silently get treatment and not tell her just in case it isn't totally licked.

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What happens in a year if she finds out you had it and cured it but didn't tell her? After all, she was the one who asked if you would get the test. What are you going to say if she asks you what the test results were? Will you lie to her?

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What happens in a year if she finds out you had it and cured it but didn't tell her? After all, she was the one who asked if you would get the test. What are you going to say if she asks you what the test results were? Will you lie to her?


That's a good point. If you did this on your own and found out, I'd say take care of it and not say a word. That's not the case here, so I think it's better to just be honest and play it safe.

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