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Do guys get turned off if a girl is too sexual, too soon?

Double J

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I don't know about you other guys, but I've realized that when a girl I meet gets too much into the topic of sex, including her past sexual experiences, her fantasies, etc too soon, it turns me off. It makes the girl look easy and a little trashy. I'm attracted to girls that are conservative and get into this stuff when the time is right. I've noticed an irony - You know how guys think that by buying a girl gifts and showering her with compliments all the time it's going to ignite attraction, but it ends up having the opposite effect?


The same thing goes for girls who think they are impressing a guy by being too sexually liberal in the conversation(s). Don't get me wrong - I'm sure there are guys who like that type of girl, but I bet my bottom dollar that guys who want a relationship would rather move on than settle for a girl like this.

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Ya dude i dont like those type of girls too much because they are way too easy and boring because they give everything to guys.I like the shy girls who take long to get to know better because they r more of amystery and i like whne girls go slower although i never have done anything with a girl i still think its better to go slow.Because it means a lot more because u r taking those smaller to bigger steps in a relationship overtime when u really love somebody.

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Girls like that are a complete turn-off. I'd rather have a sweet, innocent, shy girl. Someone who I can just be with and have a nice, intelligent, normal conversation. I find that the more sexual you try to be the less sexy you actually are. Someone who flaunts their bodies or tries to be sexy just comes of as easy and desperate. But watching a shy girl just smile can be remarkably sexy. Also, when a relationship goes slower it generally means more as the people really have the chance to get to know each other. If you rush in to something you may wake up and realize you've made a big mistake.


Bottom line: I'll take classy over trashy anyday.

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Well I guess everyone is different because I am a classy person, but I seem to get the guys who are trashy and only want one thing or want to rush into sex. I promised myself I wouldn't fall for this type of relationship anymore, but it seems like I keep running into that same type.


This makes me realize that they only are about sex.. if he really respected me and wanted more, then sex wouldn't be the majority of the topic. It's hard being a woman sometimes.


Yea, you don't want a girl who wants to throw it at you like that.. especially if you want something meaningful. She might just be very self-conscious and insecure. She might just feel as if she doesn't believe in her ability to maintain a man with her inner self, but only her outer self.. that just fades away in the future anyways.

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O Yah u gotta remember ya alot of guys go for sex but there is that special shy guy who wants meaningful relationship and would do anything for a girl and respect her in every way possible.But there is one bad side point that is attached we r ugly and as long as u dont respect that most guys u describe r ugly then u wont get one because there r only a few out of so many hot guys that r nice.Sorry this is not a act of depression this is feelings and truthful thoughts comign from my mind that i think r true.Some ugly guys r nice but they get no women so in turn nobody wins

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awww.. don't say Ugly.. that's not a good term. I think beauty comes from the inside.. there are too many so called "attractive" people in the world who are ugly inside.. i'd take a not so attractive person who is sweet and confident over some nice looking person who is ugly and insecure on the inside.

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Shinobie sorry to be this blunt guy but, you are your own worst enemy when it comes to women. You keep putting yourself down and that is what hurts you. Your low self-esteem must shine through like a flashlight. Hey I am no runway model and I don't think I am a super hottie or anything like that. I am who I am and I accept it like that. I am happy with whom I am and that is why I get dates and girlfriends.


Stop putting yourself down and feling sorry for yourself also. It is not going to get you anywhere and it is kind of annoying too. Every post I read from you contains some kind of negative statement about yourself.


Remember this one saying and learn it/live it.




remember no one wants someone with a full set of emotional baggage.

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but they're one my favorite type of women i always think they're funny and a laugh. Theres a big difference between talking about sex and actually doing it. Normally form my experience the people getting the least tend to talk the most!!!


The ones i don't like are the ones that shove there toungue down you throut or start pinching you and getting physical and stuff thats a bit too much to be honest if you've just met them.


everyone to there own i guess.

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Well I don't mind girls being a little more aggressive in the dating rituals, but when they broach the sex topic and move in sooner than expected, it does raise a couple red flags.


It's not uncommon for a girl who jumps into sex to be on a rebound from a freshly aborted relationship. And as someone already mentioned, they could be just insecure or don't know how to relate to guys apart from having sex.

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When girls talk about sex too much or they start bragging about past sexual experiences they just want attention. If they do happen to get involved sexually too soon (or what some people would consider too soon) then it should raise a red flag. This is something to be aware of but these type of girls to have/serve a purpose.

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O Yah u gotta remember ya alot of guys go for sex but there is that special shy guy who wants meaningful relationship and would do anything for a girl and respect her in every way possible.But there is one bad side point that is attached we r ugly and as long as u dont respect that most guys u describe r ugly then u wont get one because there r only a few out of so many hot guys that r nice.


hey, that sounds alot like me, im pretty shy (unfortunately for me )

kinda ugly, but just wishes i could have a meaningful relationship, and definitely i would respect her, but of course, that can seem hard if they dont respect you...

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  • 5 months later...

1. It's not uncommon for a girl who jumps into sex to be on a rebound from a freshly aborted relationship.


2. And as someone already mentioned, they could be just insecure or don't know how to relate to guys apart from having sex.


1. Ceema-k, you got 5 stars (Highest rating in cognac)... I guess it might be right for both sexes too.


2. It is not that they innately insecure, it is because they used to communication with the world by quite powerful method: sex.

It is like when you go hunting but instead of a rifle you brought a tank with you. Yeah, you killed enough deer all right, but would you be able to get any trophy or meat out of it?

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  • 2 years later...

How soon do you consider too soon? I happen to agree with you, but I think women should wait until they are comfortable twith the person or get the know the person better. If only because in case something goes wrong (relationship ends, accidental pregnancy, more prone to STDs, etc.) she has more at stake. Although the abortion option is open to women who choose it, it still wreaks havoc on a women's body and emotions to go experience an unplanned pregnancy.

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I've only meet a few woman who were 'sexual', and I would just feel a bit intimidated.


There have been these following reactions:

1) The girl felt or was perceived as being 'common' as opposed to being 'special'.


2) I feel like the little boy under my parents, really comes out, and she is seen as a gateway into another foreign dimension that is totally contrary to my childhood innosense, and someone who would seem to challenge that.

I'd have to ask my parent's permission to see such a girl, as they would usually deny me permission to do so. They are consulted as they are the symbolic link to my innoscent child hood verses someone who could change that and make me feel like a man.

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awww.. don't say Ugly.. that's not a good term. I think beauty comes from the inside.. there are too many so called "attractive" people in the world who are ugly inside.. i'd take a not so attractive person who is sweet and confident over some nice looking person who is ugly and insecure on the inside.


I would like to add to this if I may. Personally, I believe that no matter what you look like, even if you are 300 lbs, a patch over one eye, and orange hair, somebody is going to think you are sexy.


So yes, beauty does come from the inside. However there is going to be somebody, somewhere that likes that person's outside as well. IMHO, calling someone ugly (even yourself) is like judging that person's taste.


Finding that somebody????? Well, that is a different story.


As far as the original post, I do like a good challenge. So I would consider that a turn-off.

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depends how much emphasis they put on it. if it is brought up a lot, yeah, i don't like it much. but i always like a sexual chick. but if it is always the topic of discussion, she seems like a ****. but i really don't want to hear about past sexual things a chick did with her last bf etc. lol

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depends how much emphasis they put on it. if it is brought up a lot, yeah, i don't like it much. but i always like a sexual chick. but if it is always the topic of discussion, she seems like a ****. but i really don't want to hear about past sexual things a chick did with her last bf etc. lol


Exactly. Nothing wrong with being comfortable with one's sexuality. However, being obsessed with sex is a different matter.

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this was something of concern with my ex. i felt like we jumped right into being physical a bit tooooo soon, but she's my first and only real relationship so i was trying to go with the flow. we also found each other very attractive (i had a crush on her since like high school) so i guess one thing led to another.


looking back though, her first real relationship bf was someone that forced himself onto her, and later ended up cheating on her. this leads me to believe that she is one of the people who unfortunately has no better way to relate or feel that she appeals to guys other than with sex.


i think subconsciously i knew i should've been a little more careful, but she really was one of those 'girl of my dreams,' but strictly physically. i guess my own low self-esteem and amazement at getting her attention got the better of me.

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