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-.- I don't like this.


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been a while since i've posted but alwell. Worked things out with my girl. so all is good. not gonna go into detail.


But to the current situation...

Mum's dad, and his partner are here... -.- Lyn talks SO much, and she thinks everything's about her! AND she's so controlling. I don't mind Pop because he's not as annoying. I don't want to be mean or anything by going up to my room, but i don't want to stay down here either. And if i put in my ear phones mum'll think i'm being rude by doing that too.

Mum isn't much of a help either. My older sister will be coming over soon too, so that'll be even more annoying. I'm not in the mood to be dealing with all this. I'm tired and missing Shelby, and since she's 9 hours ahead of us in australia time is important. to get on at the right time.

gah. this is so not cool.


Any suggestions to what i can do to 'occupy' myself while they are here?

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Spend time with them? Concentrate on Pop of his partner gets on your nerves.


Sorry... not the advice you want to hear but the reality is that your days with your grandparents are numbered. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for an afternoon with my grandfather. You don't know what you've got till it's gone.


Ask about the following:

- his childhood

- his parents

- what he wanted to do when he grew up

- any adventures he might have had

- his likes/dislikes/hobbies

- your family tree


Anything, really. And if you've already heard the stories, listen again. You'll want to tell your grand kids one day and you WILL forget...

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