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Women: would you go to a sperm bank and do it on your own...


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I can tell ya they would have to pay me a whole heck of a lot more than a grand to stick hormones into my body to grow eggs and then wheel me into an operating room and stick other things in me to harvest these eggs. Not to mention I value my genetic material far more than a thousand dollars. To me it priceless and there is no money figure they could give me.


Would I carry a baby for someone if I could? Yes. But people are not taking my eggs.

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I know not everyone feels like I do. I am not saying they do or have to.But really a thousand bucks is a pittance to pay someone for there genetic uniqueness and not to mention the absolute hassle it for women to do this process.


I mean it is not like it is for men where they hand them a bottle and a magazine.

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I am not saying they can't. People are always confusing how I make a decision for myself and think I apply it to others. I don't. Not at all. People can do whatever they want. I don't care really. I just point out what I would personally not do something and my reasons for it.

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I def believe the children of sperm banks should know were they come from. To me, it's no different than adoption. Many adoptive parents don't tell their kids they were adopted or many do tell them. There are nuclear families were the mother has an affair and gets pregnant and never tells anyone until the child is fully grown. The ONLY difference in all this is how the child is concieved - the basic 'morality' questions are the same ones adopted children and those children concieved within a marriage but not OF that marriage face.

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I too think it is important that children know who their biological parents are. Not just from an emotional/wellbeing point of view, but from a medical point of view. I have a friend who was adopted and she has spent years and years trying to track down at least one of her biological parents because she has a rare medical condition and wanted to find out more about it and if her parents had it/if it is genetic. It has caused her a lot of grief.

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I too think it is important that children know who their biological parents are. Not just from an emotional/wellbeing point of view, but from a medical point of view. I have a friend who was adopted and she has spent years and years trying to track down at least one of her biological parents because she has a rare medical condition and wanted to find out more about it and if her parents had it/if it is genetic. It has caused her a lot of grief.


Yes, exactly. You have to know where you came from to know who you are. Also for your genetic and medical information.

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It should be enforced that a child is told who their biological parents are.


Lying to your children about who their parents are is so dubious. As the medical field/DNA research etc advances there are also an increasing number of cases where people also find out that their 'fathers' are not their fathers following cases of infidelity where the child has been passed off as the husband's child (rather than the other man's). Fifty or one hundred years ago, I think it was much easier to get away with that kind of stuff. Now, modern medicine frequently catches up with those lies.

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Lying to your children about who their parents are is so dubious. As the medical field/DNA research etc advances there are also an increasing number of cases where people also find out that their 'fathers' are not their fathers following cases of infidelity where the child has been passed off as the husband's child (rather than the other man's). Fifty or one hundred years ago, I think it was much easier to get away with that kind of stuff. Now, modern medicine frequently catches up with those lies.


Yup, that is so true. One of my friends from High School found out when she was 14 that she was adopted. She found out by looking through her parents papers not because they told her. She despised them from that moment and when she had kids she cut her parents out of her life and went to look for her birth mother and found her.


I think people think they are " saving the child or themselves hurt" by not telling them. Personally I think that is all about the parents and how they want to avoid issues. One woman I know of who recently adopted two little sisters tells them now that they understand that they had a " tummy mommy" and that she is also their mother. That she picked them because she loved them and how special they are that they have two mothers who loved them. She allows them to talk about their "tummy mommy" any time they want and they read a story about their adoption all the time.

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Well, it's their gentic material, if $1,000 is what they want to sale it for that's their decision. *shrugs*


In the US, egg donation pays at least $5,000. I've considered it (but decided against it for various reasons), but I don't think I'd even consider it for $1,000! I mean, it is the person's choice, of course, but gosh, the process takes months... not worth it to me for that much!


Edit: Sorry, I know this is kind of off-topic... just shocked at the difference in pay!

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^ I think it's even more than that, from my research it now begins at around $7,000-8,000 and then pays more for subsequent cycles...


But it is still something I wouldn't do. The whole process takes months and is a very inhibitive and sometimes painful one. It's not as easy as guys just going and donating sperm. Plus I wouldn't feel right having my genetic material out there. That's just me. People can do what they like!

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Wow, those numbers (and the differences between them) are really interesting. I couldn't do it for the 'painful and invasive' bit, I frequently freak out at hospitals (some kind of phobia). I probably wouldn't feel OK about 'my' child being out there, either. I would also wonder.

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I don't know. I haven't thought about it, I want a partner and a family, not just a child, but things happen. Fathers and mothers do die, they leave, things happen where one parent is absent for different reasons. I grew up with both parents, I don't know what it's like to live in a one parent home, I don't think I'd want to willingly bring a child into such an environment. My father was a huge part of my life, and still is. However, if I were alone and had very limited time to have a child, maybe I would, I don't know.

A lot of people get married because they want children and are left to raise those children practically alone, the father or mother works all the time, sees the child for an hour or less daily - I wouldn't want that type of life either.

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Although extremely rare, the same thing can happen to kids born in the 'traditional' way. There's been about 6 news articles this week about that very fact and none of the people involved were concieved via a sperm bank.


How did they not know they were brother/sister then if they were conceived in a 'traditional' way? Just guys having multiple relationships and not telling the women that they had other children?

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How did they not know they were brother/sister then if they were conceived in a 'traditional' way? Just guys having multiple relationships and not telling the women that they had other children?


One of the articles I remember the parents split and the mother took the daughter, father took the son (bitter divorce if I remember). The opposite parent wasn't in the child's life, the brother/sister met in college, fell in love, got engaged, and the kids had a private 'parent meets parent' thing before the wedding annnnnddd that's when the parents realized. Another one I remember reading a few years back was a bunch of siblings who shared the same mom but not the same dad were orphaned and split up by the foster care system. One of the brothers and sisters remet without realizing, fell in love, and actually cocieved a child before they found out the truth.

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One of the articles I remember the parents split and the mother took the daughter, father took the son (bitter divorce if I remember). The opposite parent wasn't in the child's life, the brother/sister met in college, fell in love, got engaged, and the kids had a private 'parent meets parent' thing before the wedding annnnnddd that's when the parents realized. Another one I remember reading a few years back was a bunch of siblings who shared the same mom but not the same dad were orphaned and split up by the foster care system. One of the brothers and sisters remet without realizing, fell in love, and actually cocieved a child before they found out the truth.


Wow that is so coincidental/weird!!!

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Wow that is so coincidental/weird!!!


It happens. Now granted it's not on the same scale as a guy who uses his sperm to concieve 600 children but you can't act like it doesn't happen when the child is concieved in the good old fashion way, which is why a lot of people push now for sperm banks not being annonymous.

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