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How do I know if he really loves me?


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Well, if you know my story I dated my boyfriend for 3 months on and off and then he moved away. When he left he said he wanted to just stay friends. Over the course of him being gone we have talked several times on the phone. During one instance I told him that I still loved him and he said he still loved me. Is that enough to build a relationship on? He invited me to visit and I said I could come in May but he said lets 'wait' till I get set up so I can have money to spend on. I said ok and said I missed him. He said he missed me. Is this enough to have a relationship on? I want to call him and ask him if we are officially in a relationship but I am too scared I'll ruin it all. Any advice for me? Thanks.

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I think you also need to heed the advice of Batya33, you should probably wait a little while to see if he approaches the subject with you, or to see if he acts differently after you said you loved each other. As i'm sure you know, love is a very complex feeling and you both need to be sure in order to sustain a relationship.

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