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Is it time to call it a day?


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I'm 28, and I've been with my fiancee for 7 years. We have a beautiful 3 year old boy.


Rewind to October 2010, and the relationship was a little bit Rocky as we were struggling to find the balance between bringing up baby and keeping the sparkle in our relationship. I found out at the time that she had been sleeping with her friends husband, having seen some messages on facebook. I was totally distraught, lot's of emotional upset, and confusing thoughts. I also managed to coax it out of her that she kissed another man as well, an old friend of hers. However, in the end we decided to give it another go.


I'd just gotten a bit promotion in work a week or two before I found out she'd cheated, my first big break onto the career ladder. However, to try and rekindle the relationship I decided I'd quit my job so that we could run away as a family and go travelling for 6 months. That was in April last year. We got back in October 2011, and it was fantastic. It was a trip of a lifetime, and we came home, I walked into an even better job, we setup a new home in a new area (but still within an hours drive from family/friends), and with my new wages over the past few weeks we've been busy buying furniture together and setting up a home I was/am really proud of, even if we are still renting. We'd made big plans about what we'd change once we got home, and we were sticking to it all for the most part. I was genuinely happy again, and everything was moving in the direction.


Until last night. I was on her laptop watching magical egypt, a documentary series I've been getting really into. Anyway, having been cheated on once(or twice) my trust was broken so I've been a bit wary ever since. She'd left her facebook open on the laptop, so I started having a quick read at her messages, and I found out that she'd has sex with the old 'gay' school friend of hers who I'd allowed her to go on a night out with several weeks ago. The messages contained graphical detail about everything they'd been getting up to. He was saying how he wished they'd has sex in school, how he wished he'd gone down on her for longer, how good it had all felt etc. The thing is, this guy actually is a cross dressing gay guy. What I did already know is that they'd ended the night in A&E due to some condition with his foreskin where it had got stuck back, but she told me some gay guy was playing around with him on their night out. I'd openly been laughing about this with her, as it seemed quite unfortunate, even if I cringed at the thought of it. Now though, it goes without saying I'm feeling humiliated and emotionally empty.


As a type this, my 'fiancee' is downstairs sobbing loudly as I've basically said I don't see how I'll ever forgive her. My son is in bed fast asleep. I want to throw her out, but we were genuinely happy again and I'd want more than anything for us all to be a happy family for the sake of my son. She says it was a stupid mistake, a blip, perhaps the result of her being raped when she was younger. She says she'll go to rape counselling again as maybe it's to do with some distorted view of sex, and that we could try relationship counselling. The thing is, I really don't think I can ever trust her again. She promised me she'd never do it again, regardless of whether or not she has a distorted view of sex, but she has and I find it unacceptable/unfathomable.


As a type this it all sounds ludicrous, like something out of a magazine. The sad thing is, I've only shed a tear at the prospect of having my son taken away from me, and the prospect of having to tell me family we're seperated. To say it again, the thought of having my son taken away is unbearable. I've been a good father, I help around the house, we had a healthy sex life, she says she was happy, so WHY? I don't want to tear our little family apart, but do I have any choice? Is there any hope of me recovering from this?


Unlike the first time she cheated, I feel completed empty this time. I have very little to say, I think I'm waiting to wake up for a very bad dream.

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i feel so sorry for you.


try to stay strong i do believe you need some time apart, if you dont have any time apart she will just keep doing it because she will know your always there!


if she is serious about the counciling she will do it weather your with her or not!, what ever you do atleast spend sometime away from her to think things through because yes there is a child involved but not always is it best for the child to be around 2 parents fighting in these cases

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Contact a laywer asap.


Good advice. The sooner you have a good family law attorney on your side, the sooner you can start dictating terms and making this thing work for you rather than against you. Print out those facebook messages.

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I understand what you're saying, althought the child wouldn't be around arguments. I'm not the arguing type.

However, it's only been 24 hours and already my son has picked up on the fact we're a bit emotional. His nursery picked up on it already, isn't that crazy? I've only spent about an hour with him since I found out! (The evening putting him to bed, and this morning before he left) He was asking the staff there if they were sad as well. I thought I'd done a good job of hiding it. That's what I'm worried about, if we did stay together but without truly fixing things he'll notice that his parents are disconnected and grow up thinking that is normal.

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Good advice. The sooner you have a good family lawyer on your side, the sooner you can start dictating terms and making this thing work for you rather than against you. Print out those facebook messages.

We have the issues that we have few friends. We're in Manchester, and she was considered staying with a friend in Liverpool (an hour away) and taking our son with her. We're in a little bit of debt after our travels, nothing unmanageable, but I cannot afford to time time of work. She hasn't found a job yet, so obviously she's free to look after our son and I'm not.

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You need to get joint custody, so contact a laywer and get the evidence you need.


Your son deserves parents that arents sad, and a mom that isnt cheating on his dad.


You also deserve a LOT more. You gave her a chance and did the best you could. Now I think shes pushed it too far personally, i couldnt stay with someone like that

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I want to take time apart, but as just mentioned after your post the best solution we could come up with would be her moving to her friends in Liverpool with our son, 1 hour away!

Thankfully we only took a 6 month lease when we got back from travels, so I only have to worry about this property until may. For the time being she's in the spare room.

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You need to get joint custody, so contact a laywer and get the evidence you need.


Your son deserves parents that arents sad, and a mom that isnt cheating on his dad.


You also deserve a LOT more. You gave her a chance and did the best you could. Now I think shes pushed it too far personally, i couldnt stay with someone like that


Thanks, I don't think many people could stay with someone like that.

So far I've said I'll consider trying a single couple counselling thing, but I honestly think they'd say the same thing.

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Thanks, it's food for thought. It also doesn't help that she has tried to commit suicide at least once, before I met her. She OD'd on some kind of pills at uni, and she still has scars from where she used to cut herself. A long time ago, but it's still a concern at times like these.

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You can't stay with someone for fear of her hurting herself. You can tell her to get counselling, but just because she has issues doesnt mean you should be miserable and put up with her cheating on you, shes putting your health at risk sleeping around.


Most men would have gone the first time she did this, taking her back a second time wouldnt be advisable by me.

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Well, on the subject of lawyers I've found the original thread from Oct 2010 where she was discussing the initial cheating in detail with the first guy. It was msn messenger, not facebook, I'd forgotten... not that it matters. Getting a screenshot of the recent discussion on facebook will be difficult unless her password is saved anywhere. I'll try, just in case I go through with this.

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I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I remember the night that I found out about my ex H's affair, and all the pain I went through. I do not wish that kind of hurt on anyone.


You deserve to be with someone you can trust. You deserve to be happy.


If changing is important to her, she will do it whether she is with you or not. Only you can decide what you want to do. But like some have already mentioned, it would be good to go ahead and talk to an attorney about your child. That will give you some comfort and control that you may not feel like you have right now.


Best wishes to you!

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