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Big fight with father.

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So, I had a big fight with my father this morning. First of all, I have to say he's probably bipolar or borderline, just hasn't admitted to it, but I've read books on both and he fits the symptoms really well. He sometimes acts in a way I would consider 'crazy.'


I had coffee with him this morning and he gave me a new cell phone, which I thanked him for. He was acting weird from the beginning of our coffee, singing some weird nonsense song in Tim Hortons like doo, doo, doo, doo and it was slightly embarrassing. Then he started critiquing my appearance and my shoes, and also telling me what's wrong with my sister in a critical manner. My sister has an ulcer right now.. I'm not sure exactly what it's caused by. She had one before, and doctors said it was because of her being overweight and eating bad food (like too much fried stuff), but my Mom thinks it's because my father was emotionally abusive to her.


Anyway, then my Dad tells me that he's no longer paying for my medication. He's been paying for it (asthma meds) for the last little while because I have a crappy job. I'm 25 and I'm not a student anymore so he can no longer get my drugs for free, but he paid for them the last few times. But he does not want me to pay for them myself. GET THIS - he wants me to TAKE them from his girlfriend's work - she's a receptionist for a doctor. Like take the samples. Without my doctor being involved at all. That just sounds.. wrong, doesn't it? I'm supposed to review my prescriptions with my doctor every few months, and he would get suspicious if I was no longer getting them from the pharmacy he's connected with. Also, if he changed the meds and I couldn't TAKE them from my Dad's gf's work because they don't carry that one or something, I'd be screwed. I'd also be screwed if they were 'out' of a particular one when I needed it. I need them every day or I basically can't breathe. The gf's office is an hour away too, kind of inconvenient for getting something at a moment's notice!


This isn't the first unethical thing my Dad has suggested I do. For example, recently he wanted me to drive his car with no insurance. I only have a G2 license, which is a novice license in Ontario Canada, and if I was caught driving without insurance I could lose my whole license and have to start the graduated license process all over again. Worst of all, he lied to me about this. I asked him for an insurance slip so he could prove to me that he put me on it, since he has a history of lying to everybody and getting them or himself into trouble (without telling my mother, he one time let a friend borrow his credit card and the friend ran up thousands of dollars on it in the Caribbean!). He said his insurance company has no slip for who is on the plan, which I'm sure is a lie because my Mom said there's always paperwork if you ask for it.


Anyway, I got really mad at him for keeping asking me to do stupid things that could screw up my life. My friends agree with me that his logic is totally off and out of line. I asked him to take me home (to my Mom's, where I live, thank God for my own sanity). He started yelling at me in the car that I'm stupid for paying for the drugs myself, which I said I would do rather than TAKE them through illegitimate means that don't involve my doctor or ANY doctor, and that I can 'profit the drug companies' as much as I want to but I'm like some sort of moron. Like seriously, come on. He said I'm ungrateful for everything, like the cell phone and I'm like well, here, take it back. I don't want it if it means I have to listen to you. He said I'm like this crazy suicidal daughter his friend has, which is really insulting since she just graduated from high school at 27 and I'm 25 and have a university degree and graduated from high school on time. He refused to take the cell phone though, so I still have it, he just said his idea is great that I can take the drugs from his gf's work and that I'm stupid if I don't follow it. That's the last communication we had.


Is his behaviour atrocious? He says I'M out of line!! I mean, I said I'd pay for the freaking drugs myself. Why should I have to come on board with his shady, con-artist deals and general personality? I was a freaking ethics student. Just.. NO!

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You're 25 years old. More than time to start paying for your own prescriptions. What you father wants you to do is both dangerous and illegal, but I can see how he is tired of paying for you. If you buy your own, you can ignore him. If you complain about him, please don't make him pay for your things.

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You're 25 years old. More than time to start paying for your own prescriptions. What you father wants you to do is both dangerous and illegal, but I can see how he is tired of paying for you. If you buy your own, you can ignore him. If you complain about him, please don't make him pay for your things.


Well, I offered to pay for my own, but he CALLED ME STUPID and said I should go along with his scheme. I am going to pay for my own though rather than go with his scheme.

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If he is not known to suggest such things in the past, is there some financial strife at the moment?


I don't know, but this is typical behaviour for him, doing things that while maybe are not HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE offenses, sound sort of illegal and are definitely immoral. Anyway, I SAID I'D PAY FOR MY OWN rather than go with his scheme, and he still called me stupid! He'd only paid for a few of them anyway.

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Btw, I do not live with him. I live with my mother. I lived with him for a few weeks, but left because he started screaming like a madman one night and I was terrified I was going to get hit, because he was waving his hands around violently over my head. I was supposed to stay there for four months because it was closer to my school, but I only stayed six weeks.

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