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Is YOUR ex a moron?

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my ex of five years went on holiday with me two weeks prior to the split and told my sister how he could never be without me I was everything to him etc 2 weeks later he waited until I was out enjoying myself and decided it was time to go home, he dumped me whilst we were drunk!!


Too gutless to do it when he was sober!!! then came around the next day after saying he didnt mean it and then when he got there said he did.


His reason was to be single although he still very much loved me!!! what aload of... Beep!! He met someone else within a week of the split and has been with them ever since approx 5 months now!! so much 4 single life!!


Not really an ex story but ...I also met a guy a couple of months ago who I have been dating he was even texting me from his holiday he told me he went on with the lads!! I bumbed into a friend who told me he had a GF and thats who he was on holiday with!!!

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My main bad breakup had my one moronic ex!


The problem with this guy was, I was his first girlfriend and he had a lot of thoughts on what a girlfriend "should" be like. Apparently, I didn't live up to such expectations. He did quite a number on me, and three years after our break up, I'm still reeling from things he said. But, some of the more amusing/messed up ones, are below.


"I gave up video games for you, why don't you give up your religion for me?"


"I miss your mom more than you ever could."(said only 2 months after she died)


"I don't want to have sex with you because I'm afraid you'll leave me afterwards."


There were others and as I remember them, I'll post them to this thread. Let's just say it was a -bad- breakup and not that great of a relationship after about a few months in...

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WOW some of these breakups were really harsh. I have a few myself but, I will only share one because the other nut job reads this forum.


I was with my ex for over four years and we lived together. She had twin daughters and I loved those kids like they were my own. In the beginning we shared dreams of marriage and the american dream. Then as time went on I found out from an unknown caller that she was sleeping with her ex. Well I left my friends house to go see for myself(I used to hang out with this friend every Wednesday). Well I did find the ex boyfriend in the house and in the bed I sleep in. I stormed out screaming about what a hoe she is.


She convinced me that nothing happened and it was all a setup. I relucantly returned to the relationship. She then borrowed a vast sum of money I would have to say somewhere in the 30 thousand range(over two years in the name of the kids). When I finally could not afford to give any more to her she left me a month later.


Now this is where it gets bad. I was on the lease for the apartment and we had eight months left on it when I moved out. I made her sign a promissary note to pay me back about half of what she owed me. I did not want to ruin her because I knew she was barely making the rent. Two days after I left the man she had been sleeping with was over my apartment screwing her in my bed. I also found out that about two weeks after I left he moved in. Now remember that I was paying half of the rent which was $750 a month. To make things worse when the lease was up she screwed me out of my security deposit.


In march of this year her father died and left her a lot of money. Don't you know that she only payed me what she agreed to pay on the promissary note(she knows damn well that it was way more than what she paid). I know she inherited well over 1/2 a mil.


To make a long story short I am still reeling finacially trying to put my life together. It is not as easy as it sounds because I got screwed by this user and liar. I too was sucked in and chewed up by this cold hearted person.


Well that is my story,


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My ex husband left me. Then he was told that he had to go back to England, immigration issues, nothing to do with me. We fought horrifically all the time. So when he was told to leave he said move with me to France, we can start over.


I wouldn't have moved to another town with him, let alone accross the ocean. I think that was pretty moronic.

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american dream:


Dont give me kudos just yet, that last girlfriend did a number on me. With the ex wife I was just happy to get it over with. She had done so many bad things that it was more anger then it was sadness.


But this last girlfriend really tossed me for a loop. Still trying to deal with it. Still have mostly bad days. The last week has been especially tough for some reason. Mostly songs, movies and subtle hints have been driving me into the ground. I feel like I am just barely staying above water.

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My ex gf did string me along for a good three months, telling me she still loved me but could not be back with me for some silly reason, then tried to get back with me, then broke up again. When she moved to the U.S. with her new GI fiance I knew why...she had been seeing him for more than those three months.


So is my ex a moron? maybe. But most certainly I am an even bigger moron for believing in her for so long...

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Alright, here goes my story...

I met my ex a little over 2 years ago, and I should've known right from the start that he wasn't worth my time when he told me he had to choose between me and another girl that he also liked, Elysa. Well right then and there I should've told him to get lost, if he actually had to consider it than he wasn't worth my time. But anyway, I was probably the most naive girl on the planet, so I didn't say anything about it, and to my relief he ended up "choosing" me.


This girl Elysa went to the same school as me, and I actually ended up becoming friends with her after a few weeks of talking to her. She always seemed to have some problem that she needed advice with, and being the compassionate person that I am I always listened to her whining and tried to help her out as best as I could. I knew her and my ex were still talking via MSN, but what I didn't know was the subjects of their conversation was me, and not me in a good way either.


Well one day I was on my ex's computer, and I don't remember what I clicked on but it brought me to a whole bunch of saved conversations with her, which were pretty much nothing but flirtatious and provocative comments. I was very hurt, and when I confronted him about it he told me that he would stop talking to her, since apparently she meant nothing to him and she was just an "online friend." Yeah, suuuuuuuuure. He even went so far as to tell me once that I was easily repacable by her.


Thing is, whenever my ex and I would have the smallest fight or disagreement, he would add her back on MSN and the two of them would complain to each other about me. Sweet of them, huh? I of course didn't know this was happening, and eventually began talking to Elysa again, all the while not knowing that he had been talking to her the whole time...However, I decided to be forgiving, and told myself my ex just made a mistake and perhaps he was afraid of commitment.


Well one day my ex and I had a HUGE fight, I can't recall what we were fighting about but it was pretty big, and I was rather upset at the moment and was telling Elysa all about it. Turns out she was copying and pasting everything I was telling her to my ex and they were mocking me together. She then asked him "Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?" and he replied "The only thing that would make me feel better right now wouldn't be faithful to "Tinkerbell"

So while I was at home bawling because I was scared of losing him and never being able to fix our relationship, he was telling this girl that he wanted some action to feel better..You would think, since he was sooooooo in love with me and all, that what he would want to feel better is ME, but no no! I discovered this conversation about a week later, and I was FURIOUS. I rid Elysa of my life, and to this day haven't spoken to her. My ex promised to do the same...HAH.


Over the next year he continued to add her behind my back whenever things went even the slightest bit wrong, and once when we broke up around last April for a few weeks he WENT ON A DATE WITH HER JUST A FEW DAYS AFTER THE BREAK-UP. Oh god, I could've KILLED the both of them, it was so painful.


There were a LOT of other bad things connected to Elysa being in our lives, but that just wasn't all. My ex used to drink a lot, just for the hell of it, he didn't even care how disgusting the alcohol tasted. Whenever anyone around him was drinking, he just HAD to be drinking as well. I never realised at the time just how often he got drunk with friends or family or whatever, but it was way too much. He also had the nerve to yell "I'D HIT THAT" at a girl who was "pretty in his drunken state" at some formal meeting at school. Kinda disrespectful, dontcha think? He was probably the nicest to me while drunk, because in between the vomiting he'd always say something along the lines of me being too good for him...Was he ever accurate.


Anyway, througout the entire relationship he was quite the buthole most of the time, being disrespectul and unappreciative, losing his temper with me and swearing at me, once nearly strangling me when he was drunk (which of course he denies, but I had quite a few witnesses) He would spend more time with his computer game than with me (and I'm not kidding, he was completely obsessed..when I called him, he'd play his game, when I was at his house lying in his BED he'd play his game) or he'd make plans with me and then go out with his friends instead to bars or poolhalls. We've been broken up now for GOOD for 3 months, and just the other day he had the nerve to blame the terrible way he treated me on ME, because apparently due to the fact that I had health and family problems he wanted to get away. Well gee wiz, he had plenty of problems as well, but you would never see ME trying to run away.


Well that's my story, I haven't given all the gruesome details, but when I remember particular terrible events (and trust me, there are many) I'll post em.




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Wow. You guys just have heart wrenching stories.

I'm so sorry so many people did you all wrong.

I guess I feel lucky that other than have guys never call me again (casual dating though) my break ups have been decent.

This guy that broke up with me last year... he did it a few days after returning home from a business trip... and when I picked him up for our date he gave me all these gifts he'd bought me in San Francisco.

Mostly chocolate and stuff. Ok... then he dumps me six hours later... ???? Why give me the stuff???

After he dumped me I pulled up to my apartment... loaded my arms up with the gifts and walked over to the dumpster and dropped it all in.

I never felt bad about it. I wasn't angry with the X. I was just so broken hearted I couldn't bear to have anything he gave me around... and plus, it was a lot of chocolate and like I need to get fat when I need to get myself a new man!!!!

My latest breakup ... 10 days now.... I have no plans to return the presents. I did give him back a DVD he gave me to watch, but I never considered it a present.

The other gifts I'm keeping and don't plan to throw them out.

Take care y'all.

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It is always nice when you are having a long distance relationship and the person you are with gets a new girlfriend and doesn't tell you.


They wait until they return to your state to tell you that they have another girlfriend. They then move into the same suburb with the new girlfriend.

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My ex wouldnt call me back cause she said that her mom and dad took her phone away due to the fact that she was see this guy before me and her parents did like him. So I call her one day and she never called back we worked together one day I didnt talk to her cause she wouldnt call me me back I was pissed. But she couldnt tell me to my face what her parents did and that only last about 3 weeks. Was wrong for her to not tell me what was going on if she couldnt do that right off the bat then she was not worth being with. Now im seeing one of her friends and shes kinda being weird also. LOL

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Was with a girl for 4 years..it was LD relationship..and after awhile i felt it was my duty to move to california to be with her...i finallyl did about 4 months ago....everything was great the first month..by first week of august..she dumped me....she dumped me a monday....and prior to that weekend i was gettng sweet little text msgs from her....found out that she was talking to some new guy..went with him to vegas in mid august...and were together not even a MONTH after..to top it all off...she constantly is bashing me in her emails....said she threw away all my gifts for her...and just basically said she doesnt want anything to do with me..AFTER 4 years..and it isnt like i cheated...i was there through everything..and it just kills me that she doesnt want anything to do with me...its like she switched her love for me in a quick second..you guys should see how she talks to me..its like i was her enemy for the last 80 years or something...so sad..and finally..it seems she is saying she loves this new guy now..after not even a month of being together...just makes me feel like even more crap since i cant even look at another woman nonetheless say im in love with one...

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This isn't an ex, but I'll vent here anyway.


I told one of my close friends of THIRTEEN YEARS that I had a crush on him a few weeks ago. Not only did he stop returning my calls after that, he told me I was too 'innocent' for him, he could never 'be' with me in that way, and suddenly he didn't feel the need to say hello or goodbye to me anymore when we all went out. This 'friend' almost completely ignores me now. Oh, he also makes is very obvious when he's going out on one of his 'booty calls'.


What a wanker.

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The post count is so high, i doubt many people are reading these but here it is.


My x-gf had told me about owning a car. So I was like "cool can i see it" she was like sure! So the next day i was on my way and she said "Oh we took the car to the shop cuz I wrecked it yesterday." I was a bit skeptical but I let it flow. So I gave it like a month. She never mentioned it so I never did. So one day i asked her mom how the car was and she said "what car, she never owned that car." So then I got skeptical about other things which I soon discovered many lies and hence ended our relationship.


My x-gf of almost a year, had lied to me about owning a nice car, about a friend who lived in another state, and that her parents were getting a divorce... just so she could have my sympathy.





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ForAnother, the post count may be high, but you can be sure that I'm reading every single one of em!

Hmm, I have a friend who dated a compulsive liar for quite some time, she lied about everything as well, even getting raped to get sympathy. Eventually her stories started to change and he realised what was going on.

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A moron? Hmm... that would be a compliment I believe.


Sometimes you just dont know what happened until long after the event.


Many years ago with my first wife I remember the day quite clearly. I was approached by one of my employees (at that time my "wife" and I worked together and co-owned a small company). This employee asked if my wife was pregnant. I laughed and said "No way!, she would have said something!" So I went and worked out at the gym and that question just kept eating away at me. I had noticed that my wife had suddenly "let herself go".. and was starting to gain weight when she had worked so hard to firm herself up.. I knew that we were busy and had attributed it to stress and just not taking care of herself..


When I got home that night I sat down at the dining room table as she was fixing dinner for her and our son (I was never included in the meals by the way.. a real tell tale sign). I asked if she was pregnant. She broke down in tears and admitted to me that she had wanted another child and had stopped taking birth control six months beforehand in order to get pregnant. She said that she knew that it would break us up but that she could not help herself. I thought this odd as during this time we were hardly intimate, but I let it pass. I offered to stay in the relationship for the children (I was young..what can I say), and she said "no", she wanted to be alone. So that night I walked out and started a new life. Shortly thereafter I sold the company and moved on.


Time has a way of sorting out secrets. That was her story. The truth that eventually came out over the years was that she had an affair with another employee in our company, and got pregnant from him. She listed me on the birth certificate and I am by law financially responsible for that child. The boy, who is now a pre-teen does not know the truth. My first son lives with me now. There is much more.. but it gets out of the realm of this topic..


A Moron? I dont think that covers it.



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I had a an ex that I dated for only a couple of months. I broke it off with her because she lied about a lot of things. She lied about being raped, she lied about stealing things from other people, and lied about people harrasing her, and even about other guys. She still talks to me and still tells me the same stuff. she jut lies about everything and I have no idea what to believe anymore

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My ex went out one night with his buddies to go drinking. He came home the next morning and was overly sweet to me the next couple of days. He later broke down and said that he cheated on me.


"It was just sex" he said.

"It meant nothing"

"I was drunk"


After blowing up at him, I kicked him out. He later wrote me this sob letter saying that he was essentially raped by this woman and that he pushed her off of him as soon as he realized what was going on. I still to this day have no idea what really went down. No matter anyway, we've been broken up for 6 months now. He recently wrote me another letter begging for me back. I have been in no contact with him since our breakup. Moron? Yes, he certainly is.

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