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That I am spending thanksgiving with my in-laws, and my husband won't be there? My family does live closer to me now, but I just feel more comfortable and at ease around his family than my own, especially as of late. Which, is kind of good that his family accepts and loves me enough to make me feel that way. And the reason why my husband won't be there is because he will be out of town for work (he travels for a living). I just don't want to deal with my family drama stresses again. It's not even the worthwhile kind. You know the whole 'oh, it can be a pain, but in the end, we laugh and have a great time?' yeah, doesn't happen with my actual family. Last year, I spent thanksgiving at my in-laws and it was AMAZING. Then I spent Christmas with my family (a few days too long at that) and ugh. Nightmare, wanted to be with my in-laws. I know, it's kind of backwards. But thats how amazing his family is to me. And they can't WAIT to have me there, either. His parents are so sweet, they see me as their daughter.

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Not weird. If your in-laws honestly feel more like family right now than your blood relatives I think it's only in the spirit of the holiday that you spend that time with them instead. I can imagine how you feel, most of my "family" doesn't even bother to get together in the first place.

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Are you willing to take the chance that you may be estranged from your own family?
lol don't worry, they wouldn't do that. I already told them and they understand. My family is kind of odd. Besides my grandpas distance to me is one of the reasons I don't want to go see my family. I normally stay with my grandparents and yeah, don't want to deal with him.
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Is there a way, if they are physically close, to have dinner with them and your husband when he gets back - just you two and your folks or immediate family, etc? Even at a restaurant - controlled, drama free, etc?


well, my family lives a state away now. So it's not really feasible. And my husband only has a few days at home at that, when he is home (and the last thing he wants to do is deal with my mom, which, I completely understand). It's really not as big a deal as it seems. lol And even if we were close enough to do that, it is never drama, stress free. Which, is why I really would rather be with his family. My mom and I have always had a weird, conflicting relationship, but I am an adult now, so I hold back, even when she doesn't. She is the type of person that you HAVE to hold back with, or it would be a HUGE blowout. Not fun for me to have to fake being happy around. It's hard enough talking to her on the phone a few times a month.

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