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Bf got engaged to me and this girl friend of his got pissed?

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a bit background info : this girl I sorta feel she likes my boyfriend and my boyfriend is always nice to her..she contacts him EVERYDAY and he always replys and talks back too.

so yesterday my boyfriend bought me a ring and popped the question.we are officially engaged.while everyone else says congrats..this girl texted him he goes yes.she said "whaaaat?" he replys"lol" she said "for real?" he said again yes.and she said "you are a d***"

what;s this supposed to mean? I hope she's joking.i don't know how my bf really feels about her cuz though he said she's fat and ugly and even personality is out of his consideration, he appears very friendly towards her..and they work together to they spend lots of time together...was he ever flirting with her or gave her wrong idea or led her on etc etc??

having said that he's always sweet to me and always say he would never do anything behind me..

ah I hate that I think so much! LOL

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Ask him what's been going on between them. Then decide if you can believe his answer. If you can, it's the girl's problem--she may have been misinterpreting his signals and built up something in her head that wasn't there.

no need to ask him. i've already had some problems with this girl. i basically know what was going on (from what i know,nothing inapproriate happened. and if he really decided not to tell me something,he still wouldnt tell me.) i used to feel they talked to much and he was maybe leading her on. we even had a fight for it once cuz he's sick of me bringing this up multiple times and everything is in my head and in fact nothing is going on..and no he wouldnt stop talking to her a bit cuz he believes neither of them did anything wrong.

so anyway..i decided to sit back and relax myself on this. everything was going smoothly..and this feels kind of out of no where.

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It sounds more like she's trying to flirt with him and he's enjoying the ego boost. If you don't think something's going on, you're probably right to not worry about it--he's yours now anyway.

i've never met this kind of (aggrassive?) girl..usually we back off while we still have some dignity,ya know lol i once said to my bf i dont like her. he said she is a real nice girl! but no i still want her out of my life haha

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Sounds to me like he strung her along and gave her false hope. This, and the previous poster's comments about his drug habit show that this guy may have gotten engaged to you but he will never really be yours. People get engaged and married for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with love and commitment. Many engaged and married people are not at all committed to their partner and they still like to seek a fan club.

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You said, "problem is I really dont know if its him,or she is the physcho one"

- But you must know! You accepted his proposal to marry. Take a paper and pencil and write down your compatibilities and incompatibilities you have with your fiancée.


You said, "..cuz the friends around me all say ignore her she's just crazy"

- Careful... friends are just that. They may not want to hurt you.

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Sounds to me like he strung her along and gave her false hope. This, and the previous poster's comments about his drug habit show that this guy may have gotten engaged to you but he will never really be yours. People get engaged and married for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with love and commitment. Many engaged and married people are not at all committed to their partner and they still like to seek a fan club.


Yep, second this. It never ceases to amaze me (and I've said this countless times) how quickly people seem to get engaged or move in with each other.

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problem is I really dont know if its him,or she is the physcho one..cuz the friends around me all say ignore her she's just crazy


What other reason would be other than her being jealous? Even then I don't think she would call him such name in response to him being engaged.

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no need to ask him. i've already had some problems with this girl. i basically know what was going on (from what i know,nothing inapproriate happened. and if he really decided not to tell me something,he still wouldnt tell me.) i used to feel they talked to much and he was maybe leading her on. we even had a fight for it once cuz he's sick of me bringing this up multiple times and everything is in my head and in fact nothing is going on..and no he wouldnt stop talking to her a bit cuz he believes neither of them did anything wrong.

so anyway..i decided to sit back and relax myself on this. everything was going smoothly..and this feels kind of out of no where.


If he continues to be in contact with her unless he has to for his job then that tells you a lot about his values. She's not a friend of his if she's unsupportive of your engagement so there's no need for him to be in contact with her and if he wants to be friends with someone he lead on that's yet another red flag.

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this girl calls everyone d**k..she calls homeless people d**k and calls my friend c**t cuz she works slow..that's the way she speaks.

so everyone here thinks its my bf's fault? my bf doesnt see her after work at all though. it's just she texts him everyday so they contact over phones.honestly if you ask me,i would think she's reading too much. I agree if he wasnt that nice towards her,no trouble would happen. But if she thinks "he talks to me so much and mocks around with me he must be interested" it's a bit naive of her isnt it?

Once the three of us were hanging together (me and him were planning on having some drinks afterwork and he invited some other co-workers of his as well however only she made it. so maybe she thought he only invited her and she got misled??) my bf acted like everything but intereted in her.unless he behaves differently when im not there otherwise i believe him.

however everyone here replies nagatively..now im thinking if im too naive..

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She texts him every day and he never responds? Or does he respond every single day even though she apparently hates you?

i wouldnt say she hates me..she actually talks to me and appears rather friendly to me. neither does she behave all cutey flirty to my bf (though of course i was there) so at one stage i thought i was thinking to much..

and yes he always replies to her texts. he wouldnt delibrately distance her cuz he thinks they have done nothing wrong and she never made moves on him.

at some point i understand his behavior if he's being honest. and if he is innocent but im talking about it over and over..it does get annoying so i rather not bring this up..

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But if she thinks "he talks to me so much and mocks around with me he must be interested" it's a bit naive of her isnt it?

Now that he's engaged, it isn't appropriate of them texting each other everyday. Whether he meant to or not, he has sent the girl a message that he has taken an interest in her. This girl had another agenda the entire time and was never interested in a friendship to begin with.

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i wouldnt say she hates me..she actually talks to me and appears rather friendly to me. neither does she behave all cutey flirty to my bf (though of course i was there) so at one stage i thought i was thinking to much..

and yes he always replies to her texts. he wouldnt delibrately distance her cuz he thinks they have done nothing wrong and she never made moves on him.

at some point i understand his behavior if he's being honest. and if he is innocent but im talking about it over and over..it does get annoying so i rather not bring this up..


If she were supportive of your relationship the texting would be fine. But now she's not,obviously. So if he continues to text with her more than he absolutely has to in connection with work (does he have to? I bet he doesn't) then he is not being loyal to his commitment to you and to your relationship. And why in the world would either of you want to be in contact with someone with such a trash mouth -and against homeless people? Please.

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