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I bad-mouthed about my bf to his ex gf. It was mistake.What should I do now?!


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Me and my bf had huge verbal fight. I was so angry that I bad-mouthed (wrote everything I hate about him) to his ex girlfriend. It was written and sent! I don't know what I wanted to get as a result from that.


It was a month ago. Since then we resolved all the problems and he began putting so much effort into our relationships and me. I know he loves me so much, he imagines me as a very nice and honest, caring person. But if he would see what I've written to his ex, I think he would dump me.


Today (a month after!) I've got his ex reply. It was a question: "So what do you want me to say by that?" I was in shock. I thought that blocking her is not any solution, so I replied in a short way: "Nothing. I shouldn't send you this letter. I'm sorry, I was just very angry. I wish you a nice day. Good luck". But now I'm afraid that she may talk to him (cause she meet him accidentally from time to time). I don't know what to do! She's not my best friend, she's more my enemy cause they broke for me! What should I do if she would tell him about my letter?

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It wasn't a very smart move to talk smack behind your bf toward an ex... especially with one you don't get along with. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do at this point. What's done is done and it depends if she wants to sabotage your relationship. She may say something... she might not. Sorry


Or you could confess, but you'd end up hurting your man's trust at this point. Either way he is most likely going to find out... whether it be from you OR her.

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Well that's a pickle. I would be terrified if that ever happened to me because I'd be fairly certain my gf's ex would eventually show my gf.


I would probably confess to him that "I did this while I was angry and I'm sorry", before he heard from his ex. Be prepared for him to be extremely pissed off.

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Well seems these things spread very fast. 1 day passed calm and another morning he wrote me a very nice email and even if his ex was very sad to know some details about us, he wrote me:


"Its a done deal, I just wanted you to know that I know about your letter but I am not mad at you about it. I love you like I have all this time and will forever more. End of story."


Of course I apologized him very much and I said that I feel such a guilt inside me for that stupid letter. And I think it ended so easily. I'm so lucky that he wasn't mad. Do you think it shows that he loves me much more than I thought?

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Well seems these things spread very fast. 1 day passed calm and another morning he wrote me a very nice email and even if his ex was very sad to know some details about us, he wrote me:


"Its a done deal, I just wanted you to know that I know about your letter but I am not mad at you about it. I love you like I have all this time and will forever more. End of story."

Of course I apologized him very much and I said that I feel such a guilt inside me for that stupid letter. And I think it ended so easily. I'm so lucky that he wasn't mad. Do you think it shows that he loves me much more than I thought?


No. I think it shows more that you need to work on your maturity.


I'm not sure how mature he is, but he's a little bit more mature than you are: not only did he work on said issues from the letter and resolved them with you, but he also had the decency to talk to you in a respectable way while breaking up with you. He could've said a lot worse. And you would've had it coming.


It's not so much about whether he loves you or not, right now. Rather, it's more about the need for you to investigate why you felt the need to go so low on the person you say you love, and write it to the person who gives the least * * * * about you and your relationship.

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