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Should I respond to his apology text?


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Ok. I get what you are saying. I am not trying to be right, well, I am sure it is human nature to want to be right. I should apologize for what was said. Should I do it now? Or wait a few days?


If you're calm and not angry now is a great time. But first you need to take some time and reflect on the relationship. Try and remove your bias (your perspective) from the memories and see things as an outsider looking in. See if you can recall instances where he did things or said things that made you feel loved. If you can find some then in your apology you might reference one or two of those as examples to support your apology that says to his subconscious "Hey, I really mean it when I say I'm sorry for saying that to you. You did in fact make me feel loved and wanted. To further emphasise those points here are a couple of instances that we can both remember where I felt loved deeply by you."


You should find your own words and stuff, but as long as it is sincere and comes from the heart (and you won't say something like that again, or do your best to not make him feel like YOU feel unloved) then I think you can't go wrong.


Then just take a few steps back and give him some breathing room for his subconscious to process that. In time when he begins to open up more to you and you two begin to have a proper dialogue you should feel free to share your perspective in a constructive manner. But remember to listen to his as well. Then find out where your two perspectives are wrong, where they can meet in the middle, etc and go from there.


PS. (Anything is fixable. Have faith)

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It seems like you're focusing on the one thing that was said, not the fact that the guy is falsely accusing her of things, and has refused to work on the relationship. I think we need to look at the big picture! He had left the relationship before she had questioned his love for her.

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Look - do you want him back or not? Make that choice and, if you do, then listen to people who are trying to help you get what you want. If you don't then forget about him and move on.


You are making this far more complicated than it need be.

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